What have you just BOUGHT?

Rolleicord I from 1934 with Triotar 75mm f3.8

Broke down and purchased a silver FLQOO. It was more than I like to spend on a hood but also half the price they typically sell for. My Summar has been underused due to lack of a shade that works for it - worth buying to get the lens more use.
My $100 wonder arrived: a black Olympus E-PL1. Cheesy little box, but IBIS, a decent sensor, and I already had the EVF and a couple of interesting wacky lenses for it. Came with a Holga toy lens too. 'Twill be fun.

Just snapped and bought a nikon coolscan iv ed on the bay for €304. Nice price I think. Can't wait for it to arrive :)
Leica 28mm F/6.3 Hektor (1935) in beautiful, just CLAd condition. Can't wait to see the results of this tiny miny lens.