Sigma DP2 Merrill color photos, please!

haha Keith....Your in good form with your quip
"foveon sensor captures detail without lacerating the Eyes"
Hi Helen, thanks!

The pic has PP, i use lightroom 2.5...

I often make things with colour saturation and recover highlights.

I don´t sharpen, and add little to no contrast.

love the Glimmer of Light on his hands and just the overall
tonal colour range...striking & subdued ��

Does this photo have post processing or straight from camera ??????
Took the DP2m along for my walk today at the reservoir, sometimes you will c the deer grazing near the trail. Of course there is always one of them acting as the spotter :D.. There were a couple of dogs on the trail with me, but they were good enough not to bark and spook them.. This was about a 75% crop.


Anyway just a bunch of random stuff from my walk..



