Sigma DP2 Merrill color photos, please!

Finally got to go out with the camera yesterday for a good seesion. I will post some soon... once I figure out how to process them best.
Putting up my first set now, after taking Amtrak Cascade to Seattle and then the ferry onward to Victoria, B.C.




Initial observations, definitely 'film like' I'd say it has a look that is different than from my 5DMKIII, the resolution is close,
I am not a pixel peeper, but it looks sharp enough - these are all straight from the camera exported to half size .tiff, no correction.
In wine country.. But u still need a coke, right?
Dp2m medium size raw converted to tiff16.



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Hard not to be impressed with the DP2m. I don't use mine much, but when i do I love the results for stuff where I need every little bit of detail to show.
Stunning shots this camera is really getting me thinking!
I liked these cameras so much that i now have three Merrill cameras. Dp1m, dp2m and sd1m. If u do not have a camera store near u that has these cameras for rental, the website now has the dslr version sd1m available.. There is no one that I am aware of currently renting the dp Merrill's.

Right now the dp2m is my default grab camera. The dp1m I have started to play around more as a scale focus to c how well it will work for me as a street cam (decided to give street a bit if a go lately). The sd1 when I need wider lens selection (10-20f3.5, 18-200f3.5-6.3, 70f2.8 macro w/ 50f1.4 and 30f1.4 in the future).

Good color up to iso 400 maybe 800. B&w up to 3200. If I want high color iso I tend to grab my Fuji x series cameras.

I was at an afternoon Pizza party at my sculptor friend's place on Saturday and took the DP2M with me. There was a lot of rather arty people there and in particular a very good German/Canadian photographer Joachim Froese who spends a lot of his time in Australia and has had several successful exhibitions in Brisbane. He is a master printer who now shoots quite a lot of digital and I was curious to know what his choice of digicam was ... it turned out to be a 5D Mkll. I was telling him about the Merrill and he was fascinated by it and asked if he could take a look at it ... he was completely intrigued and spent quite a while checking it over and asking me questions about it. He was a little gobsmacked that something that looked like the little Sigma produced a 46 meg file! :D