Dangerous Madrid?

Stefan, when I was talking about romanians gangs, I was only talking about romanian gangs and not referring to all romanian people in general. There are many more romanians here in Spain that work very hard to make a living, and those are a many more than the robbers. I wasn't walking about race either.

I apologize if what I said hurt your in any way. That wasn't my intention.

And yes, everybody generalize. When you say that the Summicron 50/2 is a great lens, you say it based on your particular sample. You'd have to try all 'crons been made to say that, but nobody has.

For the OP: I'm glad your like Madrid. Sure you had a great time :)
I am relieved that DxPhoto asked our advice only on security in Madrid (or any European city for that matter)

In the late 50's and most of the 60's, the advice given by mothers/aunts/friends etc, to yound American girls en-route on a holiday to Europe was to "Watch out for those young lecherous Southern Europeans intend on depriving you of your virginity and possibly getting you pregnant"!!

Well, how the world has changed...
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Don't see anything in the U.S. State Department travel information that would cause me any worry.


I would feel much safer there than in our southern neighbor, Mexico.
Us hungarians had similar "adventures" of becoming Christian.
About thousand years ago.

That's exactly the point. Olsen. "Not more cruel than the rest of the world". :)