A Prediction - The Leica SL-2 is Coming Soon

There are so many options here, Cal.


My SL is almost 5 years old, and it is still a great camera for me. When I can the SL2 will be purchased, but the original SL will be kept also.

There is a lot of versatility with mirrorless, especially if you own a lot of legacy glass.

I just recently bought an APO 35 Cron to go with my 50 Lux-L, so having two rigged cameras is good for me.

Lately I have been carrying both lenses with the SL in a bag. Weight is 12 pounds. Pretty much a very heavy kit.

Nothing like a M for compact and light weight.

Latest Leica Rumor is that the release of the mucho long awaited SL2 will be November 6th.

Previously the date for the official announcement was end of September.

These are good news! Then, we will hopefully see another drop in the selling prices for the SL. It seems that the SL has not kept its resale value as (say) an M10.
After the SL2 is released, the SL's price will hopefully dip deeply. Then it will be worth getting with the M adapter.
SL2 officially announced. Only $6k.

47 MP, IBIS, 4 GB buffer. The Maestro III processor looks to be speedy.

WOW. The pixel shift ability allows for a simulated 187 MP file when using a tripod shot. Landscape shooters will be all over this. A crazy amount of detail.

The Maestro processor looks to be mucho speedy. 4 GB buffer.

5 axis IBIS. This changes the game.

New Leica Rumors suggest IBIS.

Suggested price 5,990 EURO (includes VAT).

Same sensor as the "Q" (47MP).

Magnesium body for lighter weight is welcomed.

What is the price in U.S. Dollars?

The 3 button back suggests the menues like my CL. This is a great thing. Simple and elegant.


BHPhoto lists the SL2 at $5,995. Alternatively, a Fujifilm GFX 50R is $4,000, and a Nikon Z7 is $2,697.
BHPhoto lists the SL2 at $5,995. Alternatively, a Fujifilm GFX 50R is $4,000, and a Nikon Z7 is $2,697.


Thanks for the pricing. Cheap for a Leica. Not interested in the other cameras because I'm a SL owner and have the 35 APO Cron and 50 Lux which are wonderful lenses.

I think the SL2 will exploit this glass further.

My worries are a huge new printer to exploit the files and glass.

Hey Cal, do you recommend the SL2 to me to get?


I can't answer that question for you.

This I know: The rear screen is about a quarter inch bigger and is of much higher resolution; while the M10 and SL has a Maestro II processor the SL2 has a Maestro III; The eye VF'er on the SL2 has double the amount of dots of a SL VF'er; there are two SD II card slots on the SL2 and only one SD II card slot and a second SD card slot.

Know that the SL2 in a way is even more like an IPAD. The touch functions are much more developed.

It seems the speed of the processor is mucho fast that it is a lot crazy. Can shoot twice as fast a frame rate than my SL, and know that these are bigger files.

Seems like the IBIS makes this a great rig for video. a 5 axis gyro for a "5 1/2" stop gain. Who needs high ISO?

Realize that about 3 years ago I borrowed a 24-90 zoom from Leica USA to cover NYC Fashion Week. This is not a fast prime and I used this lens for about 3 weeks before I returned it. One night I went into the bowels of the Bowel-reh and performed all these "circus shots" at 400 ISO with a disregard to IQ. Pretty much sloppy-sloppy shooting in low light under dark conditions.

When I download the files and looked on my EIZO I was stunned. Perfectly sharp images, some zoomed out at subjects across a dark street, at 1/10th and 1/13th second shutter speeds totally sharp.

Supposably the IS built into the lens was only good for 3 1/2 stops. Now there is 5 1/2 stops in camera with any lens. Like I said, "Who needs high ISO?"

Anyways for me it is a no brainer. Click the link I posted for a 20 minute tutorial on the features.

Also learned that Novaflex has a Nikon adapter that allows Nikon AF lenses to work on the SL2.

This camera is clearly a rebadged Panasonic S1R, same tech specs all the way up and down as far as I can tell... can anyone tell me the difference between the cameras, other than about $3k? They mentioned something about sensor micro lenses that can better accommodate wide angle lenses and M-mount lenses? Is this feature unique to the SL2?