Travel Advice: Keep It Simple, Stupid...


I don't ask this to incite a riot, but in what way is a noctilux unusable during daylight?

I phrased it wrong. Of course the Noctilux is fine stopped down, but for the increased 'pain-in-the-ass' of that LOOOOOOOOONG throw, I prefer to carry a 50 'Cron as well.

So... I'm packed and ready to go, and the final score is:

Fuji TX-2 (XPanII)
Leica MP + 50 Cron + 35 Lux + Nocti
Minolta TC-1

I decided to go ultra-simple for the films. I've got a mixture of 400H and 400UC, and three rolls of Natura 1600 for the TC-1.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the advice, and I look forward to posting som (hopefully) lovely photos in just under 6 weeks...
Man I wish the Xpan wasn't so expensive because I could see it being something that be a lot of fun to have in the bag at all times for once in a while shots.

Good luck and enjoy the trip.
My father was a career officer in the US State Dept. His advice was always: take half of what you think you need and twice as much money.

One MP, one lens (I like 50s), and lots of film. If you can't get good photos with that setup, why bother?
I learned the value of packing light this summer..

I spent 2 months in India and took:

Nikon D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR
Nikon 85mm 1.8
Nikon 50mm 1.8
Sigma 30mm 1.4
Sigma 10-20

Hasselblad 500 ELM
Zeiss 50mm 4
Zeiss 80mm 2.8
Zeiss 150mm 4

..AND my macbook pro

I hated myself for that.