Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market off limits from today...

Good news to hear it's open again!

For my part I found Tsukiji fairly friendly. I went there in 2007 - with an OM1 and my M6 in hand and thought it was great. I did fear for my life (extremely jet-lagged, working on four hours sleep in two days) with the guys whizzing around on carts everywhere, but apart from that I didn't feel at all like it was either tourist-unfriendly or photographer unfriendly.

I found it takes a lot to try the patience of most Japanese people...there are so many ways for a gaijin to put his foot in it and everywhere I went people were great. But, if you're going to dick around, I mean, people 'll get angry. And I found the guy trying out his novice Japanese on the guards pretty awful. Still, we can hope he ate a dodgy maguro roll later in his stay.

Anyways, glad this hasn't turned into a Tsukiji memorial thread! Here's one of my shots:

My local market is 'closed' for trade only (restaurants etc) before 07.00.

And although I slip in with a camera at 06.00 or so I usually get asked to leave.
They're just fish - 'kay? Dead at that. They're not "honorable", they're a pile of smelly dead fish... are forgetting that these particular dead fish can cost $100,000 a piece. So how would you feel if some idiot messing around with your property cost you $100,000?