Leica LTM Pre-war Leica glass, show your photos

Leica M39 screw mount bodies/lenses
Leica II, Hektor 50mm f/2.5, Tmax400.


Agree with the above again. Lovely shot Erik.

Count me as a fan, too! You're inspiring me to break out the Summitar this weekend, Erik. BTW, do you use a hood or shade with your Hektot?

The tones on the shot above^^^^ are really nice.
Thank you, Steve! I am a fan of your work too!

With the shots above I used a FIKUS, but it was falling off all the time. I replaced it with a black FLQOO.

I should be joining this group shortly. I have a 39 Summitar with the weird apertures and just picked up a CLA'd '39 Leica II body for it for $200 US. Youxin has seen the lens and told me it's a little "off" with the focus, which he says is normal for those lenses, so I'm going to sent it all to him and he's going to match them together for me. I'm stoked, can't wait!
Great shots again Erik. These are from Russia, or one of the former SU countries, I assume?

Same for you Markus. Very nice!

And between the two of you, such a nice demonstration of the differences between Tri-X and Tmax 400.
Love these Erik! I always enjoy your beautifully framed photographs!

The photograph with the sheep is particularly interesting!
Leica IIIc and Leitz Xenon 50 f/1.5 with Agfa Superpan 200




From a test roll after my Xenon front and rear glass got serviced (polish only). Both surfaces were full of cleaning marks, probably from when a repairman failed to figure out how to fix the middle lens unit to the rear lens unit. I bought it 'cheap' of KEH who classified it as UGLY.
I must say with the cleaning marks polished out it's a big improvement. The glow has been greatly reduced around bright subjects.