Post your foveon DP & SD1m Images

Oh, I am not going anywhere... RFF is home, so to speak.

Fred Miranda has nice DP activity as well.

Just nice to see other viewpoints and experiences with cameras that may not be getting a lot of exposure here. Nothing wrong with that, of course. I will try and do my part and like you, consolidate my DP imagery and thoughts here.

I must also admit to being lax in using my DP's much lately, as I have been on a film bender.

Thanks for the tip about Fred Miranda.
I love texture shots. Old buildings really can bring out some interesting shots. Thanks for the Picts. I liked the weathered looking old house the best.

Cigar store Indian


Not a flattering camera. My grandmother would be upset, as she is much prettier than this, usually. Though my grandfather has recently passed, and it's taken a bit of a toll.

Not a flattering camera. My grandmother would be upset, as she is much prettier than this, usually. Though my grandfather has recently passed, and it's taken a bit of a toll.

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. My condolences.
Not a flattering camera. My grandmother would be upset, as she is much prettier than this, usually. Though my grandfather has recently passed, and it's taken a bit of a toll.


Sorry to hear about you grandmother's loss ... you can see it in her eyes.

Terrific photo IMO even if it doesn't show her at her best.


From my first quick outing with SP2 Merrill. Most of the shots didn't work, the light was too low and it was hard to get focus without a tripod. Will try more today.
"Still haven't quite made up my mind about the DP2"

Bob, I had the DP2 Merrill and found it to be a really frustrating camera. Most of the problems with the camera have been mentioned but, ultimately, I didn't like the look of the images. Everything looked over-sharpened and the SPP software got me down.

I sold it without any regrets.