what's the opposite of apug?

Probably dpreview because each and every thread that even mentions film gets trolled by those whose duty it is in the world to tell everyone how great their particular digital camera is and how rubbish everything else in the world is.

And the opposite happens here...
Stupid comments about film are also made here. But this isn't the reason why I visit APUG.
More Toronto events. Much more advanced darkroom, film and paper sections.
I have absolutely no feeling what paid subscription is to support what his name is. I'm able to buy here and I couldn't care less about their galleries, because I'm on paid Flickr.
Where are cross post between here and APUG and their RF forum is small.
I see a lot more childish comments on digital forums vs film ones.
I've been on RFF a few years now, and just recently learning to NOT read and comment on every topic. And NOT get twisted because people talk about things that I personally don't care about.
Another film v digital thread, however, may throw me over the edge.
There are always controversies on photography forums, but I continue to be impressed by how many people on this one are able to use both film and digital technology without getting caught up in becoming true believers in either medium. Also, I think the images that rff members post are generally a cut above what appear on other photography forums: there are a lot of talented photographers here. However, I also see the value and need for more restricted discussion locations like APUG.
Wouldn't the opposite of APUG be something like the "Disassociated Users of Non-Photograhic Digital Technologies?"
I think a pure digital forum cannot exist because digital photography can not be separated from photography to film from which it derives. often then digital photography seeks to achieve similar results to those obtained with film.

i don't think this is a very accurate worldview.

surely there are carry-over items, but by and large they *COULD* be seen as wholly different activities. there's not that much in common other than the fact that they use glass to focus light onto something.

of course, superficially, yes there are a good deal of things in common with them, and a fair amount of overlap, but otherwise digital and analog photography are quite separate beasts -- equipment, knowledge, theory, workflow, communities, overall aesthetic
2 things…this is not an anti apug thread…i wanted to find an all digital forum like apug is all film.

Joe, just curious, okay :)

Suppose you find one.
What do you expect to find there? A different breed of human race that has no bias, strong opinions, preferences, and ways to express all of those that never rankle your chain?
Joe, just curious, okay :)

Suppose you find one.
What do you expect to find there? A different breed of human race that has no bias, strong opinions, preferences, and ways to express all of those that never rankle your chain?

would'nt that be nice...i hope you guys are not taking this personally...
I find it Interesting that there is an anti-apug thread on RFF every few months. There's a lot not to like about apug but I can't remember an anti RFF or LFF thread on Apug. Some dissing of photo.net but that's it. Apug was created for people that are absolutely pro film and not that much for digital. The digital guys/gals can use dpug or hybridphoto after a thread that critisised Apugs extreme anti digital tendencies was started they made some changes and now Hybridphoto can be accessed directly via Apug so they opened up a bit.

I absolutely rely on the wealth of technical knowledge on APUG but in the past 2-3 years the Kodak bashing and other industry doomsday posts have pretty much made it a read-only for me. I even offered to donate $500 to the admin to at least put the industry threads in a members only, log in required section to no avail. Sure, you have your industry doomsday types on this site too, but no where near as severe and uber prolific as on APUG.

It's really ashame too, they have lost some pretty interesting and influential members by allowing the constant drone of negativity. I do agree with the criticism of anti-APUG threads on here though, they tend to focus on the negative aspects of the site which no site is immune to.

I'm glad this site has so much discussion and actual use of film, I would never come here if that were not the case.

Sounds like you just need a break from the internet/forums, period.

While some forums are more civil than others, they are all really all the same thing. You'll always end up seeing things you don't like or don't agree with. When they start having a negative impact on you, it's best to take a break.


I really mean what I say in the phrase below my user name.
it would be nice if people who respond to my op actually read it.
i have not bashed apug at all, not even close.
apug is all film and i was looking for an all digital forum...therefore an opposite...
is there an all digital forum with no film chat allowed out there in internetland?

Just a friendly thought Joe,
You might get more helpful responses if you were to explain the motivation behind your question as part of your original post.

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An interesting read from six years ago. Worth reviving.

So much has changed in that time. In photography and other ways.

Many of the original posters in this thread are no longer here. Some are missed. Even greatly missed, in one individual case I can think of.

In photo terms (= "photographically"), have we progressed or regressed on this site?

I think the jury may be out on this point. What's your take on it?

I'll return with my thoughts when a few others have posted.
I think it's rather boring to be tied to strictly ONE way of seeing...
Presently I am shooting digital
but having grown up on film and doing it most of my Life I see no reason to put blinders on and no longer see, hear, think about it

Yes though as 'ozmoose' pointed out in his post above, this is a Six year old thread, who knows what Joe is thinking now
no thread in particular comes to mind…it's not the overt comments alone that bother me but the silly ones as well…someone had a sig line that read 'film is for real men', for instance.

Joe, that's me. It is meant as a joke; everyone knows that all of my color work is shot with digital cameras, and that's been true for over a decade. Of course, I shoot a ton of film, too. All my B&W work is film. I'd shoot it on digital but I can't afford a Leica Monochrom, and I was given a film Leica (and I liked it so much that I later bought a couple more that I got good deals on!)
APUG is gone, it is phartio now. Digital has won. It is just another forum now with primitive talks about rangefinders and digital cameras and hate posts about Hasselblad, while Nikon related posts are ten pages in one day. I'm visiting it less and less.
APUG is gone, it is phartio now.

phartio? I love it!!

All photo web sites have their good/bad, strong/weak points. Also their day in the spotlight. One such site was THE go-to in the 2000s but got severely damaged by a heavy-handed moderator who chased members away in droves. A few others peaked in their time and became irrelevant, or declined as members moved on or got bogged down in silly arguments and battles over trivial points no longer remembered by anyone. All have survived, whether for the better or the worst. Actually, this is probably somewhat of an overstatement on my part - none of the 'classic' sites were/are truly awful, even if one or two have nearly attained this unexalted state at times.

Importantly for me (and I believe many others), all these photo sites continue to be repositories of valuable information about all aspects of photography for us all to easily access via a simple series of clicks.

Until 2009 I did only film photography. I was a late bloomer in the digital sphere. Nowadays analog is only about 25% of my output. This year even my digital shooting has peaked, likely more from the Covid crisis than any other factor. I've reached the age where I want to change my creative directions and explore other options, notably writing, I have several first draft manuscripts in my library and I want to finish them and see them out and about to be read before I pop off.

I also have an extensive photo archive and a backlog of tens of thousands of images all crying out for 'remedial' attention. So my life as a 70+ year old is taking me in new and different directions from those I pursued in my 50s and 60s. This is natural and to be expected - and enjoyed.

Until a few years ago I regularly kept up to probably a dozen photo sites plus some of the large image libraries (the one with the F-word was at the top of my list), but I now find I visit about only four sites and even so less than I did even in the recent past.

As I'm fond of saying - time passes, things change. At 73 I'm also learning that when enough time has passed, everything changes.

Whatever the 'state' of many of the once-prominent photo sites still available to us today, I still believe we are truly fortunate to have so much choice for our online photo reading, research and learning. In our currently topsy-turvy and increasingly crazy world, long may this go on.