Where to buy RF in Vienna (Wien) or Bratislava ?


Local time
11:19 AM
Jan 21, 2009
Hi guys,

is anyone of you from Vienna ? I am a Slovak student studying on the Austrian Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, so I often travel to Vienna...

Do you know any shops in Vienna, that also sell old used cameras ? I would like to buy the "new" Zeiss Ikon with a 50mm lens later, but first wanted to so to say have a try with something cheaper (I just selled my big 5D with a 24-70L lens and don't wanna make another mistake - I mean, the camera was great, but simply too big for street-shots). I already bought an old Kiev rangefinder and the body was great, but unfortunately, the shutter does not function on slower shutter speeds properly.

So, I am interested in something like a Kiev, Zeiss or something like that (there is this leicashop.at shop in Vienna, but I have the feeling, their prices are very strange - 300-400 EUR for old Kiev cameras :bang:....Oleg from Russia sells these for about 20 $).

So, please, if you know any small old stinky camera shop in Vienna, please let me know.... these things normally cannot be found in internet.

Thank You Very Much

Nice Greetings from Slovak Republic (near Germany :)

From memory, I think there's an old-time camera shop about halfway along Lerchenfelder Strasse - isn't that just up from the university buildings, there's definitely some sort of technical institute at the Volkstheater end? Don't take my word for it, but it may give you a start in Googling for something. And there are other shops near the Leica shop on Westbahnstrasse, but I can't remember what their secondhand stuff is like.

I think Lerchenfelder Strasse, definitely in that area, though, and on an S-bahn route.
Thank You, Azul...

Thank You, Azul...

...you were right !!! I checked google and there is another shop near the LeicaShop - it was called ORATOR or something like that. Now it's name changed, but Westbahnhofstrasse ist not that big...

Thank you very much

It's not exactly where you are, but if you take a weekend trip to Praha you could visit Foto Skoda on Wenceslas Square. Last time I was there, they were well stocked with a wide variety of used rangefinders ... Leica, Fed, Zorki, Kiev.
My mistake. I was thinking of http://www.foto-eder.at/ on Josefstädter Straße opposite Cafe Hummel. So only about three blocks out... Couldn't see any Kievs in the window last night, but they had old Leica IIIs, old Voigtlander Vitorets, that sort of thing.
Hi Martin !

Justo make it short: I live in Vienna and i know all the shops here. Your best chance is Leicashop in Westbahnstraße. Sure they have a lot of mint gear, targeted at collectors all over the world. These are very expensive. But they also have user cameras, with signs of (heavy) use, without any interest for collectors. These are offered at reasonable prices but you have to go into the shop and ask for them.

I would not buy into Kievs..get a M6 with a 50 cron, use it for half a year...if you don´t like it you can sell it at nearly the price you paid for it.
Does anyone know about a RF Club in Vienna. I just started shooting with Film and it would be nice to have some advice.

I don´t know if there is a RF Club in Vienna, but i doubt it.

Questions regarding shooting film in RFs...just post them here, it´s the rangefinderforum isn´t it ?
... So there actually are RF enthusiasts from Vienna in this forum other than me. :)

@Martin: The shop at Westbahnstrasse is pricey but very ok. The used stuff seems a bit overpriced for my taste, especially the rather sought-after things like Nikon lenses etc. However, I found a near mint condition Bessa R3A there with a very decent price tag on it. So in any case it's worth having a look and I would always prefer buying stuff like lenses from a local shop than through ebay or the likes.

On a slightly different topic: Does anyone know more or less public (photographic! :D) darkroom facilities in Vienna? I develop my negatives at home but do not have the space or gear for wet prints. Is there a place anywhere in Vienna where you can rent some time to do the printing yourself with the equiment on site?

Thanks in advance

I agree, Leicashop Vienna in 1070, Westbahnstrasse and Photoboerse in 1080, Lerchenfelder Strasse. A third one is Foto Soyka in 1010, Fleischmarkt.

RF-club? Sorry, don't know about this.

But in FlickR you will find Vienna Streetphotography with many RF-users. Just take a look to my account and search for this group

regards from Vienna
another vote for Leicashop on Westbahnstraße. yes, not cheap, but you can negotiate a bit, especially if you pay cash.
Thank you for your tips, guys....

Thank you for your tips, guys....

I already bought a mint Zorki-4 with a 50mm f2.0 lens (in a small shop in Bratislava) for about 20 EUR ;) and I am planning to buy the new Zeiss or a used M7.

The camera did not have the spool, but fortunately Leicashop had one for about 7 EUR :D.

Thank you very much for your help
