W/NW The Streets of Yokohama!

The Streets of Yokohama​

Sony A7III
Voigtländer 35mm f2 APO-Lanthar Aspherical
May 2024 - Yokohama, Japan​
Yes, she is enigmatic. I've worked with quite a few Japanese women over the years and, unfortunately, most looked like they'd just exited a Burberry store. Pastel and nondescript. Perhaps she's trying to break the barriers. Cheers, OtL
The Streets of Yokohama​

Sony A7III camera
Voigtländer 35mm f2 APO-Lanthar Aspherical lens
May 2024 - Yokohama, Japan​

Congratulations!! You have bagged none other than Jackie Chan in his street disguise.

As a second guess, this could have been the late great Fernandel of French film comedy fame.

Or perhaps an older trans gentleman on his way home after a permanent at the hair stylists?

The imagination boggles.

Whichever it is, it is a master shot...
The Streets of Yokohama​

Sony A7III camera
Voigtländer 28mm f1.5 Nokton Vintage Line Type II black paint lens
May 2024 - Yokohama, Japan​

A truly wonderful shot. The look on the elderly gentleman's face,says it all.

I am not quite as old as he looks to be, but I can certainly read his thoughts.

Overall. you have had a good day out in the streets.
I sometimes think I am hogging your tread. But then your images speak so much better than what I write...

DownUnder, your comments are always very welcome.

When I read your remarks I always feel happy because I know exactly what you mean, it's like you can read my mind or I can read yours. Anyway, your comments and anyone else's are always welcome. Constructive criticism is okay too.

All the best,