W/NW Ruins...Derelicts...Abandonments

We're off to a good start.
Andrea, very nice! Freakscene, that's Arista Premium(tri-X)400 at 800 and Rodinal 1:25 for 10.5 min if I recall correctly.
Keytarjunkie, I don't know if I've ever seen pics from your 1st location, it'll be the end of some beautiful architecture once those places are demolished.
This stuff is fascinating. Will you tell us where and what it is?

My pleasure to do so. This is a series from Frøya, an island out the Norwegian coast at 62 degrees North. This settlement consists today of a few dozen houses mainly used as holiday cabins. However, its position made it a very strategic location during World War II. It was in fact the Germans who build bunkers, watchtowers, cannon places (that round structure you see one of in one picture is one of them) and so on. You can see the rest of the series ("Frøya") through my blog, if interesting.
We're off to a good start.
Andrea, very nice! Freakscene, that's Arista Premium(tri-X)400 at 800 and Rodinal 1:25 for 10.5 min if I recall correctly.
Keytarjunkie, I don't know if I've ever seen pics from your 1st location, it'll be the end of some beautiful architecture once those places are demolished.

Hmm.. if that was meant to my photo series, thanks! That's funny: This is actually M9 and 'Cron 35 + lightroom, but Tri-x and T-Max both pushed one stop and developed in Rodinal 1:25 with generous shake has always been my way to go back in the analogic days. Does that mean that, without thinking about it, I postprocessed those files so that the result reminds of what I used to do in the dark room? Cause that would be an achievement! Interesting..:)