The New Texas Leica?


rangefinder user and fancier
Local time
3:08 AM
Feb 7, 2004
I can't imagine what this new medium format RF style digital camera will cost but it looks kind of neat, we will get more realistic photos of it later this month.

I can't think that speed lenses will be a "thing" for this machine, they traditionally are way too costly to make for formats larger than 36x24 although Mamiya had a fast normal lens for one of their medium format camera.
It has nothing to do with any rangefinder. It is not rangefinder camera. I think we might be more respectefull to RF. Here on RFF. We are not dpreview ignorants.

It is Texas T.
You may not like my refreshed opinion in edited comment :).

Tell us your refreshed opinion on the New Texas (digital) Leica anyways

It looks kind of impressive on the mock-up pics, price may be a problem to most of us though.. like all these latest offerings from Nikon and Canon.
I could only repeat - it has nothing to do with original Texas Leica. It is digital AF camera. And controls similar to Leica T.
It is not rangefinder as some are tossing it here on RFF. It is as accurate as calling Hunday Roadster as sport car.
If Fuji made digitals are rangefinders, then my Smena 8m is.
I could only repeat - it has nothing to do with original Texas Leica. It is digital AF camera. And controls similar to Leica T.
It is not rangefinder as some are tossing it here on RFF. It is as accurate as calling Hunday Roadster as sport car.
If Fuji made digitals are rangefinders, then my Smena 8m is.

Well, Ko, you have a point but these ARE "RF styled" digital cameras at best and as technology has progressed to a point that they can focus faster and more accurate than any RF in a camera, even the one in the fine Leica M3 film camera.

The new Canon FF mirror-less camera is reputed to be amazing at its focusing speed and accuracy, with its new made for it Canon lenses.
If anyone is going to pull off a MF will be Fuji..
We will have to see..
Wont be a can actually get it fixed in your lifetime..
That's good enough for me..
Well, Ko, you have a point but these ARE "RF styled" digital cameras at best and as technology has progressed to a point that they can focus faster and more accurate than any RF in a camera, even the one in the fine Leica M3 film camera.

Not RF styled, Smena 8M styled. Smena has gizmo for focus and "RF styled" have gismo for focus, both are not rangefinders, but VF in the corner, this is it. No RF.

Your sentence about AF to be more accurate and faster than RF is only partially accurate.

Faces recognition are faster with AF, obviously :) But what if aperture is not providing enough DOF and you have to select which face has to be in focus?
Fastest and accurate way with AF is no viewfinder at all, but touch screen.
Same applies for busy frame with lots of elements on different distance,s large apertures. Best way to select what is in AF is touch screen.
So, mobile phone has accurate and fast AF for situations like these.
No 3000K$ AF MF is needed.

While, focus and recompose is as accurate with RF as with AF.
Everyone know that the GFX50R will not be a true rangefinder, but rather a rangefinder-styled camera. Ko.Fe is just being pedantic.

Yes, I'm. And I have no glue why Fuji can't make rangefinder.

Leica makes digital rangefinders. Epson Cosina was making them and they are still in use. Fuji was making RF MF cameras, they are still in use.

So, then I read Fuji RF camera in titles and threads it must be about rangefinder camera. Ovewise it is very confusing.

Here, at RFF it would be respectful to call cameras what they are exactly. RF or RFS. Please, respect RF owners and enthusiasts. Then I read "Fuji will make digital MF rangefinder" I'm expecting the rangefinder.
Just as I read "ice cream" I'm expecting cream, not ice cream styled mix of water and coloring, taste ingredients.
I have to be pedantic also: What's it have to do with Texas?

Back then FujibackthenFilm made 6x9 film RF. They called it Texas Leica, then. Because it was big and RF.
Now here is speculation about FujiNoFilm making digital MF camera which is nor RF, nor big. Yet, it is new Texas Leica now. Why?
If same twisted logic to be applied, then Leica S is already new Texas Leica.
Leica, MF and big.