Sigma buys Foveon


Local time
12:30 AM
Jul 29, 2003
Foveon is a digital image sensor technology that is an alternative to the tri-color array. Each element can distinguish red, green and blue levels. Sigma digital cameras have been using this technology for about six years now.
As stated, Foveon makes image sensors of a particular type, which are used in a variety of applications, including industrial sensing. However, their most famous use is in the Sigma digital cameras, where they are unlike other digital cameras (some say that's a good thing, others that it is a bad thing). They sense color in a different way than all the other camera sensors on the market.

A good overview can be seen here:

Final take - which echoes my own beliefs in Foveon technology:

Sigma's SD14 site has galleries of full-resolution images showing the color produced by the current state of Foveon technology. The 14-MP Foveon chip produces 4.7 MP native-size RGB files; 14-MP Bayer filter cameras produce a 14 MP native file size by interpolation (demosaicing). Direct visual comparison of images from 12.7-MP Bayer sensors and 14.1 MP Foveon sensors show Bayer images ahead on fine monochrome detail, such as the lines between bricks on a distant building, but the Foveon images are ahead on color resolution.

Anyway, it is significant that Sigma would buy Foveon, because it shows a commitment to a) the Foveon technology by Sigma and b) their desire to keep making cameras (they are primarily a third-party lens and flash unit maker).
I picked up my SD14 when they were $499 on sale (just after the DP1 release). I could afford it, the Aussie dollar was over US$0.90 at the time (sigh) and I didn't want a mainstream DSLR anyway, so for me it was a good choice.

The only problem with it is the speed - 7 seconds between raw images, 6 seconds between jpg's. On the high quality setting the buffer holds just 3. For it's purpose (dlsr, 500mm+ lenses, animal images eg africa) that's pathetic. Apparently the SD15 is the SD14 all over agin but with the speed fixed!!!! Yay!!!

The images? I like them. Foveon works for me. I don't rely on it for a living, and I like having something a little different, and I don't try to keep up with the jones's... more likely to put more slide film in the fridge than change digital cameras.

If sigma continue the foveon development, good for them! I always dreamed of a 5x7 foveon thing to fit a view camera. Bliss.