Problem with M9 Sensor Placement

When I spoke to Leica NJ, they made it clear that the older lenses can be adjusted to the M9. They also stated that it was the latitude of compensation that film affords over the sensor that is the problem. And I have spoken with a Leica trained repairman that stated he has seen the calibration of Leica lenses getting worse not better. While the lenses are finely made the last step seems to have slipped a bit but at least it can be corrected.

Canon pissed off a lot of people when they changed their mount but they were a large enough company to absorb the dissatisfaction. I think Leica would have had a more difficult time so it was and is to their advantage to keep the same mount, thus making their smaller market share, still a share and not turning away many possible upgraders to the new bodies and eventually, new lenses.

Both the camera and the lenses are built to certain tolerances. I am thinking that the Lens Rentals article is pointing to what is happening . It seems to affect both AF camera lenses and MF RF camera lenses from reading the article and what you have said here. Canon has not been free of AF problems even after switching lens mounts and neither has Nikon which has not switched lens mounts. This problem may be the reason Nikon now offers AF Fine Tune in the camera menu. Anyway, it just sounds to me like the two problems are more similar than different.

When I spoke to Leica NJ, they made it clear that the older lenses can be adjusted to the M9.

No matter how exactly you adjust a lens to the RF, you'll never get rid of focus shift or curvature of field. The best you may expect is an adjustment providing for a sharp image in the middle of the frame at one given stop.

I realize that but what I don't want is focussing 2 feet in back of the subject, unless I am going for some sort of focus abstract. Free style focussing. :^)
Well I would have to retract some of what I said about focussing. I will agree that to an extent, focussing with the Leica is a bit of art. I understand better the intent of the statement now. I still have some focus issues and need to send two lenses to DAG but in general, there is a bit of feel for what you are doing over what I have done in the past with SLR's though they are used mostly in auto focus. I have used the M3 and M2 but as we progress sometimes we see more of what we are/am doing, or I would say, "I".