New Sigma digital camera w/Foveon chip



I am a painter and designer. I have used Photoshop extensively as an animation tool..! Done little photography till recently. Bought a V-Lux and a DP1. Frankly I think the DP1 is astonishing.. Comparing it to the 'Leica' shot for shot the image quality and/or the image character is utterly different. Obviously different camera types but the DP1 images seem to be far more incisive optically - far more about reality.

All of which may sound pretty vague! Printing on an Epson 7600 - the DP1 images look like something I may have drawn in Illustrator! It is as sharp as line art! But with the romance and colour left in..

Has anyone who owns both compared the DP1 to the R-D1. I really want an R-D1 - its an irrational longing. Someone tell me its quite unnecessary..! Please..