need help selecting a camera vest


Local time
2:33 PM
Jul 24, 2010
Good morning. I've been asked to shoot a graduation. Normally I stuff a couple of lenses in my pocket but thought I would be more organized for this. I need a lightweight vest (hot here in Arizona) to carry 3-4 lenses and a extra M body. Maybe a flash instead of one of the lenses. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you, Jim
I stopped using them because they are too hot, and you attract attention when you wear them. But I believe the Domke ones have a mesh back.
Small camera bag like the think tank retro... You're going back to highschool man, you need to look quite stylish...
no bag

no bag

No shame here :)
I used a fishing vest to walk the race track.Worked great for me .Even distribution of weight across shoulders.
Why worry what others think if it works for you:)
If you go to an outdoors/sporting good store there are always quite a few "hiking vests" that are lightweight and breathable, loaded with pockets, and even have UPF protection. I don't use one for photography, but do while hiking and they easily fit a few lenses when needed.
I never had a problem wearing vests when I was shooting all landscapes when I was carrying graduated ND filters, a meter, film, adapter rings and lots of other small stuff. Easier access than a bag. I use a small bag now that I am not carrying so many things around. Domke sells mesh vests. They are still a little warm to wear. I was always focused on my work and not what others thought. A lot of other landscape photographers wore vests too. - jim
I think Tom A looks mighty stylish wearing his vest in his travels. I thought of trying one instead of carrying a bag all the time. With the clothes people dress in now a days I think mostly what others think is all in the mind. & the few who do need to get a life.;)
Thank you all. The graduation is for a Graduate Class at a college, most are 30-35 years younger than me so I probably could wear a snowsuit and they wouldn't notice me. I have a couple of Domke bags and may use them. The fishing vest idea is good since I do hike every weekend in the desert and bring a couple of camera's so that might be just the ticket. It gets 110-115 degrees here in the summer so comfort is important. Thank you all I'll let you know what I end up doing.

Tamrac 706 deluxe convertible bag has a built in waist belt. It is a full 2" wide belt so it doesn't feel uncomfortable when wearing it loaded. Just enough room for two RF bodies, 3 lenses, meter, flash and small extras. I love mine.
