My first CLE + Rokkor rolls...


tall person
Local time
4:18 PM
Jan 7, 2007
I am so far loving the rangefinder experience again, and glad I bought the CLE. See, I started with a Oly 35sp, which was cool. Then a Electro 35 GSN, which I liked even more, and it sadly got stolen. Then I took the first step to interchangable lenses with the Bessa T and a Jupiter 3. Both were great to lug around, so nice and efficient. But man it was painful to use that pinhole of a focusing finder...

So finally decided to jump back in with the CLE, which has so far been a perfect balance of form, function, and ease. The focus patch is not always simple to see, relative to the GSN for example, but I havn't had too much issues except in real weird lighting.

Enough words, here's a few shots:

Ilford Delta

Ektar 100

Velvia 50
Very nice shots, ishpop !
I had a electro 35 GSN, very good camera but very heavy...
I love my CLE !
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You just have to love a 30+ year old camera that can still hold its own with any of the new whiz bang models. Though I know the story, I am still stunned that it took Leica so long to copy the CLE's features into the M7. You have made the perfect choice to get back into RF photography. Enjoy your camera and keep shooting.
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You had a similar road as me, I started with a Yashica MG-1, then moved to an Olympus 35SP which was then stolen. I considered going to a CL or CLE very strongly but I jumped on a Bessa R2A instead and haven't regretted it.

If I found a cheap enough CLE I would probably pick it up as a second body. Then it and the Bessa could fight over who becomes the backup :D

I love those Ektar colours. I should shoot more of it.
Congrats. The CLE is a great camera. I've spend loads of time with mine. I recommend pairing it with the CV 28/3.5. It makes for an incredible street-shooter kit!
Nice shots. I too like the Ektar pic. Been meaning to try out a roll through my CLE. It hasn't seen use for quite some time. In fact, haven't shot flm for ages and now I'm using my 'new to me' RD1 not sure if i ever will again:(
My 40mm Rokkor works nice on the RD1 too.
All I can say about the camera is it is EASY to use! I love that. No fiddling. Well, one minor complaint, the power switch is a little annoying, heh.

So far I dig the Ektar. The sunset helped, some of the pictures didn't have the same cool warmth. But it is definitely less yellow heavy than the Velvia for example. And Less Blue heavy than Provia for example. All in all it seems to be a pretty neutral and accurate film, which is desirable I suppose right? :)
I do have to quibble with your comment about the focusing patch on the CLE being harder to use than that of the Yashica GSN -- man, I'd say the CLE is about as good as it gets. The GSN is simply outclassed, especially when the finder is hazy (which is the norm with those). I had the occasion to use both over Memorial Day weekend, and while the GSN can produce great photos, the CLE is just a dream to use.

Oh, great pictures, by the way!
I do have to quibble with your comment about the focusing patch on the CLE being harder to use than that of the Yashica GSN -- man, I'd say the CLE is about as good as it gets. The GSN is simply outclassed, especially when the finder is hazy (which is the norm with those). I had the occasion to use both over Memorial Day weekend, and while the GSN can produce great photos, the CLE is just a dream to use.

Oh, great pictures, by the way!

That is the problem with memory, it is not always accurate. I suppose my recollection of using the GSN, prior to being stolen, was that the viewfinder was larger and contrasty. So when I picked up the CLE, I guess I had a weighted memory. But the reality is that It was a good year in between the theft and the new purchase.... :)

Here's a few more shots:




Velvia, underexposed unfortunately, but I still like the composition:

Wonderful shots and congratulations on becoming one of the Chosen (those seeing the light of the best non-Leica Leica ever made). While I appreciate the camera for the way it sits in my hand, the way it helps me compose and take pictures, what really makes me appreciate it is the final product...the pictures it helps me produce. Sometimes the best engineered products just can't get out of their own way, so I sold my Leicas...what was left was the CLE...and all it does is produce fine photos effortlessly...witness your photos...that ektar photo's colors are magic, and that bird is chirping at me!
Velvia, underexposed unfortunately, but I still like the composition:


So, wait, do you have a meter problem then? I'm a sucker for compact RFs and I keep seeing this great work with CLs and CLEs here. I can't get myself to spend the money, though, because of the 30 year old unrepairable electronics.

+1 who's going to try Ektar 100 soon, by the way. Outstanding.
Tiens, un compatriote ! :)
Sympa l'autoportrait au CLE ! je n'avais pas vu ta série en N&B, effectivement il est en de bonnes mains !