Modern 'Street Photographers' To Be Remembered


seasick, yet still docked
Local time
1:46 AM
Jan 8, 2013
What modern 'street photographers' will be remembered in the future, much like photographers such as Winogrand, Cartier-Bresson, W.E. Smith, etc., are remembered and admired today?

Thought I'd ask this question because I find it interesting, as well as always trying to seek out new photographers/bodies of work.
Yes. I think his work is so-so. I don't think he'll really be remembered for his work, rather he'll be remembered for raising all that money in a day.

There are a lot more interesting accounts.

Please share some!

It's hard to tell with Daniel Arnold because he's not too selective with his work. It seems like he posts almost everything he shoots; he must have a pretty extensive body of work. If I'm not mistaken, his website is more of a blog (?).
dadschaen ......... many, many more......
dadschaen ......... many, many more......

Thanks, Keith! I'll be sure to give these a look.
Only time will tell. I like Matt Stuart.

Getting you work seen by the right eyes and it's usually through an exhibit at the right place and the right collector buying but that is for the moment. Only time and a consistent body of work over a long period of time will sometimes keep you in the conversation for more than 15 minutes.
Seeing Photography is so popular around the world, with countless cameras available (anyone with a cell has a camera 24/7),
And Street has a huge number of serious photographers (just look at all the 500px, Flickr, FB and other popular sites with groups), that there are 1000's of great photographers worldwide.
That will never get "remembered" with a worldwide fame.

even here!!! there are more than an handful of great Street Photographers... but, as airfrogusmc said, you need to get noticed by the "right" people, with "the right timing"
Or have the funds to pay-to-play with many galleries that may give you a small chance.
Fame has its own funny way. The devil puts his hand in the game.

Everyone has his 2 monutes of glory. Everyone becomes a has-been. The ones staying were unpredicted.
Vivian maier? Winogrand? All the others? Very flukey path.

No, a few exhibitions, blurb books wont help.

And no matter how good, if all what is left behind is a hard disk or files, forget it. Even HCB wouldn't have been famous by only leaving files behind. No way.

A "body of work" necessitates a lot of prints, and then a lot more.

... everyone remembers Andy Warhol's promise they would be famous for fifteen minutes ... but few remember the bit about all the museums becoming supermarkets .. and the supermarkets, museums

... please exit through the gift shop
To become famous as a street photographer - start making video reviews of gear - Kai, camerastore guy, steve huff etc... Kai is more famous than a lot of major photographers.

That is the reality of today.
To become famous as a street photographer - start making video reviews of gear - Kai, camerastore guy, steve huff etc... Kai is more famous than a lot of major photographers.

That is the reality of today.

That may be true in the more general sense of photography, but how about in the "art world" of photography? i.e. somebody may google a comparison of different digital cameras, and most likely they'll find Kai's videos. but that's usually the extent of Kai's content worth.

But surely, in the culture and art of photography, documentary and street photographers are widely appreciated and celebrated -- and one or two will be remembered for their work making photos, not reviewing Canon's new 400-700 ultraviolet lens.
That may be true in the more general sense of photography, but how about in the "art world" of photography? i.e. somebody may google a comparison of different digital cameras, and most likely they'll find Kai's videos. but that's usually the extent of Kai's content worth.

But surely, in the culture and art of photography, documentary and street photographers are widely appreciated and celebrated -- and one or two will be remembered for their work making photos, not reviewing Canon's new 400-700 ultraviolet lens.

Who decides what is art photography?

The market.

What does market got to do with art? Nothing.
What modern 'street photographers' will be remembered in the future, much like photographers such as Winogrand, Cartier-Bresson, W.E. Smith, etc., are remembered and admired today?

Thought I'd ask this question because I find it interesting, as well as always trying to seek out new photographers/bodies of work.
Here is a few I like.
Just to name a few. All can be found posting in the gallery.
It leads to an interesting question in the face of 'new media,' social media, global connectivity and the seemingly massive explosion of street photography. Especially when you consider the number of media outlets around when we talk about many of the old favourites. Will it end up with (some of) the images being far better remembered than the photographer? Though this in itself isn't necessarily new, certainly if we're not restricting the topic to photographers remembered by other photographers, but for anyone to get ( and keep ) their head above the water line is increasingly hard with the volume of photographers and means to publish - publish in a modern sense at least.

I look at the recent trend in reality TV and the "celebrities" that have forged a career, no matter how fleeting, from very little talent but the ability and desire to self promote in order to gain their ultimate goal of fame; the public's appetite for fresh meat willing to humiliate, shock and defile themselves and I wonder what our collective criteria for considering somebody culturally noteworthy, remarkable, famous or memorable has become or is becoming. Perhaps this may play as much a part as the accepted notions of hard work, talent and some luck.

Possibly taking this off topic a little so I'm going to go and find out about some of the names listed so far.
Once marble sculpture were the height of artistic achievement, today they're kitsch ornaments of gaudy gardens... In the 'art world', if a statue is from 'the past', which means during renaissance or ancient Greece then its priceless, but the same sculpture made today, even if it is as good as the sculpture from the past and hand-made, still its not going to be in a museum.

The same with street photography, you're not going to be called greater than HCB even if you're 'better' than him because HCB is one of the fathers of street photography.
Robert Frank is still alive.

Let me add James Nachtwey, too.

Which brings up the questions, what's modern, and what is "street photography" ?
Robert Frank is still alive.

Let me add James Nachtwey, too.

Which brings up the questions, what's modern, and what is "street photography" ?

Same question here... I think Sebastio Salgado belongs to that list too if we define "street photography" like "humanist photography" or "documentary photography"