jean cocteau said:


Local time
5:42 PM
Jan 22, 2010
"Film will only become art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper."

of course, he was speaking of cinema. nevertheless, i think this statement might also apply to photography.
film photography as yet has not become as inexpensive as paper and pencils.

has digital photography done so?
no :(

i bought a digital camera for a young relative (9 year old)

for the grand sum of 3.99 dollars from goodwill..

It's the first digital camera to have a lcd screen and i think its 4 or 5 megapixels..

The thing is at this point film will only get more expensive..

We can hope for digital
He's talking about the barriers-to-entry falling so that when society can partake in a medium, it will become an artform. So the masters are the masters from the greater pool of society as opposed to the privileged elite.

Yes, digital photography (and dare I say it: cameraphones) has allowed this to happen.

He's talking about the barriers-to-entry falling so that when society can partake in a medium, it will become an artform. So the masters are the masters from the greater pool of society as opposed to the privileged elite.

Yes, digital photography (and dare I say it: cameraphones) has allowed this to happen.


cellphoness lost creativity part of the aspect in photography..

now its low quality cliches that entertain the masses with cheap thrills such as instagram..
What is the creative aspect of photography? The darkroom? The post-processing? If it's about the being there, the composition, the timing, cell-cams have not lost that.

Yes, we're experiencing a flood of trash because it's so convenient to take photos now. Before, what held people back was the cost of materials and the darkroom time, so the number of people producing images (both good and ****ty) were small. However, our present convenience has also allowed some "prodigies" who might not have been able to gain access to a camera, take photos and share them easily. I personally welcome this.

And yet like you, I have my issues with Instagram. It purports to be film, to be analog, to conjure up nostalgia while being of the present. I've chosen to believe there's something wrong with this. Apparently the masses are fine with a medium that is fake.
"Film will only become art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper."

of course, he was speaking of cinema. nevertheless, i think this statement might also apply to photography.
film photography as yet has not become as inexpensive as paper and pencils.

has digital photography done so?

Try to replace "film" with any 4 letter word of your choice and judge for yourself if the phrase makes any sense at all in the first place.
if spam is creatively photographed or painted or drawn inexpensively, this inexpensive, mundane, canned meat product becomes art, non?
Of course, but we're discussing a phrase, aren't we? Digestion is another thing. Or should that be the "Observers Digest"?
har! nice one, nescio.
i happen to like spam - fried - on a sandwich. tastes like art to me ... :)
I still remember "corned beef" and if I'd like to, I can still buy it in the Philippino shops around the corner... But fortunally, we still got jamón serrano, pata negra et al. And just around the corner as well...:D
Digital is cheap. I just bought a Pentax K-01 for $347 (B&H). I haven't received it yet but with APS-C sensor and all the other non-essential goodies, it is cheap. I have 4 AF Pentax lenses so I didn't include the lens.