February in San Francisco planning


Local time
5:00 AM
Apr 14, 2005
Hello, all:

I’m making a trip to San Francisco in February and could use some kit and processing advice from RFF members.

I’m debating about bringing an SLR kit (Nikon F100 or F5 with 24/2.8, 50/1.4 and maybe 105/2.8). If I choose this option, I might add my D70 because it’s so light and would give me a digital option.

Or my rangefinder kit (Mamiya 6 with 50/4 and 75/3.5).

I’ll have a Rollei 35AFM point-and-shoot when I want to shoot light and a nice Fuji F31 digital compact for light shooting at night.

My plans involve a lot of city roaming on foot, a day trip to Napa and a morning at the Tour of California bike race, probably the Sausalito stage. I’m staying with a friend in Nob Hill and will rely on my feet and mass transit to hop around the city.

I’ll buy film when I get there and, ideally, have it processed each night or every few days to avoid carrying film home on the plane. If I shoot 35mm, I like the idea of having quick prints made at time of processing.

So, if you care to, weigh in on:

1) Kit recommendations

2) A good place near Nob Hill to buy film (film type recs are welcome, too, for that time of year)

3) A good, economical place near Nob Hill to process and print

I’ve seen good recommendations from past posts on places to shoot in the city, but if you have other thoughts, let me know! I last was there 10 years ago and was without a camera, so I'll be making up for that on this great trip.

Sounds like lots of walking and moving around. SF is a walker-friendly city, but it's got quite a few hills (some pretty steep). Don't lug too much weight around with you. You'll appreciate the light D70. However, I kind of like the F100 or F5 option, because I like shooting film (and have been wistfully fondling my SLRs recently). I like the three lens choices. You'll probably get some fun opportunities to use that 50/1.4. Definitely, Bring the Fuji!

There are one-hour options all around city (Walgreen's, Wolf Camera) where you can get your "quick prints." Not sure if you can get the 120 processed "quickly." Maybe someone else can help with a local fast pro lab option.

Film? Personal choice. Lot's of color in the city. I like the Kodak, so I recommend something like 100 Ektar or 400 UC (or just the 400) + your favorite B&W film. If those are too $$, then your favorite 400 would be fine. I like taking a few rolls of the good stuff with me when I travel, but that's me.

Have fun. Keep a watch in the PHoto Clubs section, because we (local RFFers and Flickr-ites) meet fairly often.

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Lightwaves in the south of market (soma) area can do same day turn-around on 120 film. They do b/w c41 and e6 which makes it easy. It's not really close to nob hill.

In terms of buying film, Gasser also south of market has a decent selection, as does New Lab (which is close to lightwaves and also does processing).

Certain areas of SF are great for street shooting, which would mean you'd want the SLR. As you know there's also lots of architecture, views and eye candy that beg for MF.
Travel light is a must for me in the City as Ray mentioned it's a walking city.

As for film, there's Calumet, Photographer's Supply (www.photosupply.com), Just Film (www.justfilmsf.com - it's located in New Lab where you can process/print film)...of course you can get some cheap consumer film from Walgreens or Rite Aid. Fireside (firesidecamera.com) might be close to you as it's in the Marina and they might carry film but I'm not sure.

Processing try...

New Lab
Oscar's (black & white)

Lots of the small mom & pop places are closing....
Thanks for all the fine advice. I had a productive trip, even though it rained so hard for four days that I couldn't take my Nikon out of the bag. Ironically, I was able to capture some nice shots with my iPhone on those days.

I ended up getting an F4 before my trip when I returned the F5 I had been borrowing. The F4 was a revelation. It handled beautifully and felt more comfortable and intuitive than the F5 ever did. The Nikkor 35/2 AF remains my favorite lens, and I shot mostly Provia, which was ideal.

I hope to go back again someday soon. I love San Francisco.
Take "I’ll have a Rollei 35AFM point-and-shoot when I want to shoot light and a nice Fuji F31 digital compact for light shooting at night." You'll be much happier and be able to get around the city faster/easier. Take a small daypack and you'll have a great time.

Ck out:
North Beach (nightlife, bars)
Columbus Street (classy but not expensive eateries)
The Cliff House (SF icon)
The Baths (below the Cliff Hosue)
Twin Peaks (Absolutely a must)
Powell Street (catch any cable car)

I'm glad you had fun despite the rain. If you decide to come back this way let us know, there's a very nice group here that will be happy to take you around to do some shooting.
