Darkroom Renovation Phase II Started

Hill Rd Statue Makiflex Auto 360mm f6.8 TeleXenar by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Auto Makiflex (see my avatar) with 360mm f6.8 Schneider Tele-Xenar in Plaubel Makiflex auto-iris mount. My first test of this new to me lens. A nice compliment to my 360mm Tele-Arton, which is bigger and faster. The 360mm Tele-Xenar is often used by 4x5 Speed Graphic Guys; it is underrated and was very popular. Much less bellows draw with this lens, being a telephoto design.

Ilford FP4+ in 120 Plaubel 6x9 Makina Back, ADOX Borax MQ Dev Aristo #2 5x7 RC Multigrade dev
4x5 Fuji HRU Mic-X 5 minutes by Nokton48, on Flickr

My first Norma 4x5 photo in twenty five years taken yesterday. Fuji 8x10 HR-U X-Ray cut down to 4x5, Graphmatic Holder, 4x5 Sinar Norma 180mm f5.6 chrome Durst Componon lens, full key sun. This was exposure #6, two stops over ambient reading of grey card EI 50 TTL Sinarsix 1/15 @ Fll. Short development is stock Legacy Mic-X 5 minutes 68F. Cesco flat bottomed 8x10 trays, sheets developed singly. I did a sort of ring-around, varying exposure and development times. This is the lowest contrast version which I like. Very little scratching so I am pleased.

8x10 Arista RC #2 Multigrade dev Omega DII with Omegalite circuline head

Cool thing is this works out to about 7 cents per 4x5 sheet. I may load up the truck :)
Loading Up The Truck Fuji XRay by Nokton48, on Flickr

OK HR-U is going to work for me in the larger formats. So I am loading up the truck as I have no idea how long it is going to be available.

400 8x10 sheets of HR-U plus the hundred I already have. Hopefully a lifetime supply. While I was at it I grabbed a hundred sheets of RX-N, which is the blue two sided high speed Fuji XRay film.

Great fun ahead I predict. I loaded four 4x5 Graphmatics, and four 2x3 Graphmatics, with HR-U this morning.

Kodak Min-R Single Sided Mammography 18x24cm by Nokton48, on Flickr

This is single sided 18x24cm Mammography XRay I found a while back. I do have one Sinar Norma 18x24 film holder, so this will make nice sized contact prints. The big bonus is that I can cut it into four 9x12cm to fit my European holders and cameras. 25 cents a sheet for single sided 18x24. Looks like these came from France.

Single sided XRay is highly desirable and supplies seem to be going away. I was lucky to find this cheaply.
That's all pretty awesome - congrats!

Quick technical question: what the "Omegalite circuline head" - I still have my D-II (wrapped in plastic, though :( ), but have never never of that...
Interesting - thanks - and I assume that the light spectrum is such that it works with modern VC filters (below the lens, of course)?
New Backgrounds in Studio 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

I've picked up a nice seamless paper background system from B&H, which uses three plastic chains to raise and lower the paper at will. Very cool good working system. So far I have black, super white, and blue jay colored paper. Rolls right down, neatly and super quick rolls back up out of the way

I also hung up two painted James Bright canvas backgrounds, which are quite cool. And I have two more narrow hand painted backgrounds out in front, fairly easy to raise and lower.

This is a work in progress but I am getting where I want to be with this. I do have more parts coming from B&H.

Every studio needs a good background system.
HRU Makiflex Std Mic-X 240 f4.5 Tele-Arton by Nokton48, on Flickr

Plaubel Makiflex Standard camera 240mm F5.5 chrome barrel mount Schneider Tele-Arton at F22. One pop of Broncolor Pulso C171 monolight strobe with Broncolor Pulso Beauty Dish. No fill. 8x10 Fuji HR-U XRay film cut into 4x5s straight Microdol-X replenished in a tray development by inspection under custom red light. 4x5 Lisco Regal holder. 8x10 RC Aristo #2 Multigrade dev Omega DII with diffusion Omegalite head.

MINR XRay Test 1 210mm Componon F22 Two Pops C171 by Nokton48, on Flickr

18x24cm Kodak MIN-R Mammography film cut into 4x5s. Sinar Norma Broncolor C171 with Broncolor Pulso Beauty Dish. Two strobe pops with Sinar Norma Shutter, multiple pops are no problem. Schneider chrome Componon lens at F22. Lisco Regal 4x5 film holder Legacy Mic-X film dev 8 mins at 68F Aristo 8x10 #2 RC print Multigrade dev This is fun :)

HRU Pulso Test 210 Componon f22 12 pops MicX by Nokton48, on Flickr

Testing my new Broncolor Pulso C171 375 WS Monolight with restored 80x80cm Pulso Softbox about three feet right. Silver Gold reflector on left. Fuji HRU XRay film 4x5 Sinar Norma 210mm chrome Componon Norma Shutter Mic-X replenished straight developed in a flat bottomed Cesco tray. Lisco 4x5 film holder F22 I popped the strobe twelve times to build up the density The Grey canvas background I painted myself; Just recently put it back up

HRU test 2 Norma Handy Sinarsix MicX by Nokton48, on Flickr

Here's a quick test on 4x5" Fuji HR-U Xray film developed in Microdol-X.

I took this at f16 and Schneider says to close down two stops to eliminate barrel vignetting by the center filter. Next time f22 as a maximum. Camera was focused by homemade hyperfocal chart.

Next time I will also test Sinar Norma 103mm glass discs (in med yellow-green and also dark yellow) plus the center filter. Stabilizing the camera makes it about 100X more useful to me. This was an extremely windy pure sun key day about 12:00AM. The additional colored filtering should improve the foliage tonality.
Is jealousy one of the deadly sins? If it is then I have sinned, if it is just one of Leviticus' abominations I feel slightly better.
Thank You John! :)

HRU Filter test 1 YG 103mm Norma by Nokton48, on Flickr

Procession of Clouds Filter Test #1

Sinar Norma Handy tripod mounted, 65mm F8 Super Angulon with Schneider 65mm F8 Center Filter. Fuji HRU XRay film 8x10 cut down to 4x5 in Graphmatic back. EV 8 2/3 ZIII Sinar Norma 103mm Yellow Green Glass Disc. F22 2/3 at 1 second EI 50. Tray developed by inspection under red safelight straight Microdol-X 12 minutes at 68F

Arista 8x10 RC print Omega DII Omegalite Diffusion Head Multigrade developer

HRU Filter test 2 Yellow Dark 103mm Norma by Nokton48, on Flickr

Procession of Clouds Filter Test #2

Sinar Norma Handy tripod mounted, 65mm F8 Super Angulon with Schneider 65mm F8 Center Filter. Fuji HRU XRay film 8x10 cut down to 4x5 in Graphmatic back. EV 8 1/3 ZIII Sinar Norma 103mm Yellow Green Glass Disc. F22 1/3 at 1 second EI 50. Tray developed by inspection under red safelight straight Microdol-X 12 minutes at 68F

Arista 8x10 RC print Omega DII Omegalite Diffusion Head Multigrade developer

HRU Filter test 3 Yellow Dark 103mm Norma by Nokton48, on Flickr

Procession of Clouds Filter Test #3

Sinar Norma Handy tripod mounted, 65mm F8 Super Angulon with Schneider 65mm F8 Center Filter. Fuji HRU XRay film 8x10 cut down to 4x5 in Graphmatic back. EV 8 1/3 ZIII Sinar Norma 103mm Yellow Green Glass Disc. F22 1/3 at 1 second EI 50. Tray developed by inspection under red safelight straight Microdol-X 12 minutes at 68F

Arista 8x10 RC print Omega DII Omegalite Diffusion Head Multigrade developer

HRU Filter test 4 Yellow Dark 103mm Norma by Nokton48, on Flickr

Procession of Clouds Filter Test #4

Sinar Norma Handy tripod mounted, 65mm F8 Super Angulon with Schneider 65mm F8 Center Filter. Fuji HRU XRay film 8x10 cut down to 4x5 in Graphmatic back. EV 8 1/3 ZIII Sinar Norma 103mm Yellow Green Glass Disc. F22 1/3 at 1 second EI 50. Tray developed by inspection under red safelight straight Microdol-X 12 minutes at 68F

Arista 8x10 RC print Omega DII Omegalite Diffusion Head Multigrade develope