Classic Neg vs RAW image comparison


Local time
6:30 PM
Sep 19, 2014
XP3 w 27mm lens

Classic Negative setting:

RAW conversion in LR:

Not sure which one I prefer. What say you RFF?
At a pinch, the Classic Neg, Huss. There other one looks too blue.

I’ve been experimenting a little with my X-Pro3 and Classic Neg. The results to my eye in many situations look too green (I’m not the greatest colour exponent) but I really like the extra contrast in the shadows, giving most images an extra punch. With my previous X-Pro2 occasionally I’d use Classic Chrome and this mostly looked too washed out for my taste.

This colour lark is all a bit new to me, still, and I’m trying to get a straight out-of-camera colour look I’m happy with so I don't have to faff about correcting on the computer.

I would appreciate any insights by more experienced users of Classic Neg and Classic Chrome.
To me, I prefer that classic neg file. It looks more natural to my sensibilities. The RAW output of digital cameras always has way too strong blue's for my liking.
Top image for me as well. Blues in the second one are a bit to intense. Maybe try tweaking just that color channel? I also like the loss of some highlight detail and softer shadows on the white parts of the wall in the top image.
Another vote for the classic image. The color is too obviously pumped up in the RAW version, while the classic looks very natural, easy on the eyes, and "right." There was no PP of the RAW version?
Another vote for the Classic Neg, Huss. It does exactly what it says on the tin: makes it look like a really good neg scan. It has lots of shadow detail, like a well-exposed neg.
John Mc
Gotta go with Classic Neg, Huss. The second one looks like the colors were punched up too high, too much saturation, too much vibrance, too much contrast. Just personal opinion.

Thank you everyone for your comments.
I am still experimenting with the Classic Neg as I have seen some really nice examples online.
When I first started I had the fake grain thing turned on but hated it. It just made a mess of the image and did not look 'real'.
I also played with the in camera levels (shadow, mid, highlight) but set those back to default as it is easy to make those adjustments in PP, but really hard to correct if you don't like them and they were applied in camera.

I have been really busy w/ work and a house move the last few months so have not been able to use this gear properly, just taking a hasty snap during a rare moment of free time. So I am looking forward to actually going out and shooting.
I prefer the LR conversion, actually. I see what people like about the Classic Negative look, but for me the deep swimming colors of the RAW file really stand out to me. In a lot of my personal editing I try to push the blues dark and deep, I over saturate the blue channel and bring down the luminance intentionally, highlighting that look.

For black and white I probably would prefer the film simulation though.
Neither? Is that an option? Half kidding.
The whites are purer in the RAW conversion, and they both look too blue to me, as there is a blue cast to the OOC in the whites that looks unnatural to me, but since I didn’t see the actual scene in real life, I can’t possibly know.
Isn’t the one that “looks the best” likely to vary with the subjects in the given scene, as well as the color temp of the lighting in the given scene? Seems to me.
Though I guess that out of 500 images one might determine a clear preference, perhaps sooner.
I’m not advancing a position, as I don’t have one, just asking questions.

I have heard that Ansel Adams, later in life as his artistic vision matured, devoted himself completely to contact prints “so I don't have to faff about“ in the darkroom.
Classic neg, but if you cannot decide you can always turn on film sim bracketing -- 3 film sim jpgs and 1 raw file with one click.
What profile are you applying to the RAW file in Lightroom ? Default Adobe Colour, or are you applying Lightroom's version of Classic Neg ?
What profile are you applying to the RAW file in Lightroom ? Default Adobe Colour, or are you applying Lightroom's version of Classic Neg ?

There’s this. It gets complicated in a hurry, at least for me it does.

Faffing about is always worth a try when in search of the most pleasing result for a given file.
Classic neg, but if you cannot decide you can always turn on film sim bracketing -- 3 film sim jpgs and 1 raw file with one click.

Or even more flexible and shoot raw and use Fuji X Raw Studio to convert RAW files using the in camera engine quickly and easily.

What profile are you applying to the RAW file in Lightroom ? Default Adobe Colour, or are you applying Lightroom's version of Classic Neg ?

Adobe default. Not applying presets.

I am not trying to match the RAW vs jpeg. Just asking people which one they think looks better.
I think some are thinking about this too much. One image is RAW, one is Classic Neg sim - which one do you prefer? I'm not trying to adjust the colour/tone etc to match them up.
