Comments Received by louis

30622View photo
Curb Construction
Photo by louis
🕐 03-20-06 02:40louis wrote:
It should not hurt. Cross your eyes gradually and you'll see the images come together til they merge into one 3d image. Also, don't get to close to the screen. Begin by having your face arm's length away from the screen.

If you cross your eyes too much the images will go past the merge point and you won't see the depth.

There are only 2 ways to see a 3d image without a viewer. Crossing your eyes is one. The other way is free vision in which you train your eyes to do the opposite of crossing. For most people this is harder, so I posted the images to be viewed cross-eyed.

I apologize if it gives you a headache. I've been doing it for years and I forget that it's not easy the first time.
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30507View photo
Stereo Noir
Photo by louis
🕐 03-19-06 08:43louis wrote:
It took me awhile to find the rules, and you are right; this picture doesn't belong in this contest so I removed it.
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