Comments Received by David Goldfarb

86287View photo
Navy Pier, Chicago, Dec. 2007
🕐 05-24-08 03:22 wrote:
An interesting self portrait

When I saw this picture I think of a famous comic "The Simpson family".
86286View photo
Crown Fountain, Jaume Pensa, Millenium Park, Chicago, Dec. 2007
🕐 05-23-08 09:35David Goldfarb wrote:
Thanks. The Pensa piece is set up to reflect like this, but the display is a constantly changing series of video portraits representing the diverse population of Chicago. As it happened, there wasn't anyone else on the Plaza when I was there except another photographer with a Leica if I remember correctly who was outside the frame, but later in the day it's usually a fairly busy spot, and the pedestrians become part of the work.
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86285View photo
Sunday In Central Park, May 2008
🕐 05-22-08 11:14 wrote:
Really good!
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