Comments Received by Anthony Harvey

227916View photo
Pastry shop, Normandy
🕐 05-20-14 12:07 wrote:
This looks like something you'd see in Switzerland. Really mouth watering!
227860View photo
Courseulles-sur-Mer Normandy
🕐 05-20-14 05:06Anthony Harvey wrote:

The row immediately above is also special in that the cake is covered with a true pancake with an extra pancake cone resting on top. It’s as delicious as it looks.
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227845View photo
Chez Miocque Deauville
🕐 05-18-14 15:22 wrote:
No way I would have got the camera above neck height under similar circumstances.
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227852View photo
Berck-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais
🕐 05-18-14 11:08 wrote:
very inviting
206949View photo
Hat shop Normandy 2004
🕐 05-06-13 15:10Anthony Harvey wrote:
Thank you very much, Bushwick and Luigi.

Yes there's a lot going on in the image, Bushwick, and I've got a feeling that it might be too much. As you say, Luigi, it's got multiple layers but it wasn't intended like this, just a shot through a window at an indoor mirror that showed the owner changing a ribbon for a hat my wife had just bought with her winnings at blackjack from the night before! It's complicated by the shadows from the sunlight and the writing on the outside glass.

I know what you mean about the dream, Luigi. It's very true - by starting with the people in the image and working backwards one can work it out. I hadn't thought of that. The trouble for me, of course, is that I can't see it as everyone else does cos I was there at the time. I'm glad you both liked it though.

I liked all the angles, a bit like a cubist painting where they stick on something in the middle from real life, like a newspaper cutting.
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206292View photo
Wendy April 2013
🕐 05-02-13 16:10Anthony Harvey wrote:
Thank you, Steve and Luigi.

I'm glad the angle worked, I wasn't sure about it when I took the shot.
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180587View photo
Hayward Gallery Bacon
🕐 12-19-12 14:54Anthony Harvey wrote:
Thank you very much Luigi. More luck than judgement! - I didn't think the composition would work so well until I saw the actual print. I'd planned the framing and tried to get a few people inside it but was very lucky with the legs and heads.

(Although different in some ways, it reminds me of your Fontainebleau photo of December 2010 when you said that you were lucky with the tourists!)
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180321View photo
Wendy 2012
🕐 05-08-12 18:16 wrote:
Pretty. Wendy has such a lovely benign look on her face.
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180590View photo
Angled Light
🕐 05-06-12 14:45Anthony Harvey wrote:
Thank you Richard.
Yes, it was so jaunty that I couldn't get the horizontals right! Seriously though, I'm fond of it all the same. What I didn't realise when I took it was that the light from the top of the table-lamp adds to the light on the principal ballerina, and this combines with the distortion from the perspective to emphasise her importance. Pure fluke.
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180316View photo
Biarritz Beach
🕐 05-02-12 21:31 wrote:
Love the color Anthony Harvey, love the composition, love the most inviting subject. Nice.
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