Leica Film Cameras sales increase ten fold in 8 years

I used to go to a doctor for an annual check up and I'd bring my M9 (at the time) and all he had was a lowly M8. I couldn't believe it. I guess he didn't know he was supposed to update immediately and parade around the neighborhood. ;)
I can only imagine that when others see me out and about with a camera, Leica or otherwise, they think to themselves "I wonder what that dork is up to?" Isn't there a saying to the effect of if you can't laugh at yourself then you're probably not doing it right?

It interesting to hear stories about those whose relatives were photographers or who passed cameras down to them. Prior to me developing an interest in photography, my mom was the only photographer in the family though an often frustrated one. She wasn't shooting with a Leica and she certainly wasn't a camera enthusiast for that matter. Her specialty was to crop the heads off of most of her subjects. Somewhere in my archives I have a photo that she shot of me competing in a local BMX race. There I was racing against, and in front of, a number of my peers. She did a nice job of capturing my bike that I was so proud of at the time. The only thing missing was my head. Aside from maybe my brother, I'm the only one that knows it is me in the photo. Though I was originally somewhat disappointed, she and I went on to have a good laugh about this later on.