HU - $740 Leica M5 Chrome, with ding

Good find. I'd proceed with caution when feedback is less than 100%, description is poorly written (Broken English, all CAPS, not much of condition described), but you could score a good deal... Probably the buyer should add CLA cost to the total in mind.

Looks like he/she is selling whatever falls into their lap. (not photographic tools specific.) So I guess you score big or get a junk...
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I do not think this is cheap. I've seen a couple of black ones go recently on european ebay sites for under 500 euro, in excellent condition.
It's not that I'd go for this one particularly, but I've scored some risky one at the rock bottom starting price because no one dared to bid. It turned out the camera worked perfectly and the price was A LOT cheaper than typical going price. :D
Thanks for the heads-up... I had seen this listing, but I am willing to pay more for a body in better condition. And there have been a few bargain M5's being sold in the past week.
I'd pass if it were me. I know some sellers don't know exactly what they have but, I think this seller hopes for the best when selling. He admits, and sure sounds as if he knows nothing. There's plenty more out there and you don't have too wait long.