Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

Today, I plan to hand a camera, lens, and a roll of Tri-X 400 to my son, and then walk him through the whole process from attaching the lens to the camera through hanging the exposed negatives up to dry. I am hoping we'll have some fun.

Done. We both had fun.

Unfortunately, neither of us loaded the film correctly (in our excitement), and both strips of negatives are devoid of images. :bang: :bang:

Oh well, there's always next weekend. :D
I just got back from a drive along the beaches with my family. I took some photos with the Pentax Limited 43mm 1.9 on the Hexar RF. The colors were beautiful.
Today I used a Hexar RF with 35mm Lux and also a Bessa R with a Pentax 43mm 1.9 to take some photos of a beautiful tree downtown. It was in full bloom.

What are your weekend plans?
i visited my mom in tennessee today, and shot most of a roll of bw400cn of her with my bessa r, canon 50/1.8 and industar 50/3.5.

raid, i saw you mention pensacola a few posts up. live there? my daughter and her husband and their daughter (my first grandchild ) live there. we are frequent visitors ...
I went for a hike in the Columbia River Gorge yesterday. I had my Nikon D2x ready to go, but at the last minute decided just to take the M6.
This reminds me of the times when I was able to do such [great] trips. Post some of the results when you can. That part of the USA is just incredible and a source of pride for all of us to be able to enjoy.
One of my wife's cousins is getting married today...I'm thinking B&W, 400asa (pushed to ???) I just got a Spotmatic on Friday with the 50mm 1.4 (beautiful, clean and sharp)
I'm developing the first roll right now and if all is good I might use it...
Not sure what else to take...
raid, i will be in faitrhope this weekend, with a side trip to pensacola this coming wekend unless my daughter and son-in-law decide to bring zella over there. perhaps we can have a cup of coffee sometime ...
Send me a pm with more details as your trip gets closer so that we can arrange a meeting.
I may take a trip with my family to Mobile, Alabam. No clue what's there, but a friend wants to drive over there.

What will you be up to?
I used the black Yashica GT for the first time today.I put the setting to Auto, the F stop to 8.0-11, and with a Kodak 100UC film. I expect some nice results.

Usually there are some comments about the weekend, but this time it seems to be a weekend without comments. What is going on?
Thanks to the almost perfect shooting conditions, for this time of the year, my weekend came a couple of day's early this week. During this time of the year I keep my fingers' crossed for days with temps in the 60s and light overcast. Once I see that one is coming up the text messages and emails start going out to see which of my favorite subjects is willing to brave the so so conditions for an hour or so of shooting. Once I have a willing subject we set a time and location to meet and shoot. In this case that was Thursday afternoon during which time I shot a roll of Portra 160NC with my M4-2 and two roll of EPP-100 with my 533/16. Missed the courier for the day by 15 minutes so I'm not sure if my film will be back by tomorrow or Tuesday afternoon.
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Fighting a light leak in my just acquired IIIf so i shot some Neopan 1600 with it yesterday, then decided to part disassemble it anyway without even waiting for those shots (alas, no smoking gun).

Took some during-the-storm shots of the pond and stream on the farm next door this morning with an evil Pentax.

Even with this kind of weather though, I can't get myself to do any developing or scanning.
We are going to the beaches this afternoon, so I may have more opportunities for some photography.
I will start trying out my Egypt trip 50mm lens so that I know what I can expect from the lenses when I will use them overseas.

I know the CV 25/4 very well, so there is no need to "test" it again.
As for a fast 50mm lens, I may try the Canon 50/1.5 versus the CZJ 5cm/1.5.

What are your plans for this weekend?
The weather is improving, so hopefully you will go out and take photos.
I'm going to go out and shoot some Tri-X at some absurdly high speed (for me) and do a little Rodinal stand development. Just some fun testing :)
I have had good results with 3200 ASA and then adding some contrast and sepia coloring. Thee image looked really like a vintage image.
Silly me...I'm continuing my adventures with Kodak Gold 200, to see how my fave "low-end" color film's doing these days. (My local CVS has seriously stocked up on the stuff, among other film types.)

- Barrett