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things from the southern summer


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Date posted2008-04-16

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🕐 04-17-08 10:03Pherdinand wrote:
This was shot at a wine estate called Muratie. We went there for a wine tasting session. The young fellow who was our host, was a very talkative person, and between others he also told us he is not very happy with the volunteer "interior designers" of the place, i.e. oversized spiders. But they do not bother each other.
The bottles are for decoration only. The real stuff is well-kept in their caves...And it's real good. It's actually the best cabernet sauvignon i've ever tasted - and a very very interesting pinot noir. They are within the very few wine estates that produce pinot noir in south africa (too much sun, in general).

thanks for the comments:)
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