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Photo 83226

Lens Cap Art


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A shot of the backside of the front lens cap of my CV40/1.4 Nokton. A little light leaked through and the shutter on my Bessa R3A was in A mode and it took about a 10-sec exposure. You'd think, hearing the odd shutter delay, that I'd have twigged on to this right away, but I took three of these in a row. I thought I was shooting swans in the harbour :)

Bessa R3A, CV40/1.4, Neopan 400, Rodinal 1:100
Views875 views
Date posted2008-04-07

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🕐 04-08-08 12:19GeneW wrote:
Thanks santino. We've all done this from time to time, but I've never done it before and had something to look at afterwards :)
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