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Photo 252888

Guns & cameras... Yes, Rangefinder image, too!


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Blast from the past - in a much simpler time. A gun show in Southern Indiana in the mid-50's. No paperwork, no restrictions, cash or trade was accepted. Scanned from a very faded Kodachrome slide. Probably shot with a Contax II. <br />
Note the "point n shoot" that one dude is carrying. BID (back-in-the-day) we almost always left the flash on the 4X5 for a secure carry. (But I think that's a 2X3) Besides, it wouldn't fit in your pocket. ;-) That might be the power pack for a strobehead hanging from his shoulder... we were tough BID.
Views417 views
Date posted2015-11-07


Focal length50mm

ExposureExposure not available Media Unknown

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🕐 11-08-15 12:15newspaperguy wrote:
Thank you! This was at a National Muzzle Loading Association annual black powder competition (and gun show) held on their property in Friendship, Indiana.
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