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Good cheap knife


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Date Member since: 2005-01-02
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Found a good cheap pocket knife (ok, knives) here, after a half-hour in the shop are the results. Softened and trued the edges on the sander, reshaped the relief for blade access, drilled out the rivets and removed the clip (Hey, it's a 'pocket' knife.) Good liner-lock action supplemented by some smart designer's use of nylon washers on either side of the 3.5" blade... feels like an expensive job; but, it's not. Made in China "Ozark Trail Wood Clip Knife", $3.78+tx @ WalMart (No relationship with Sam Walton, etc., just thought I'd share.)
Views368 views
Date posted2015-11-07


Focal length4.5mm

ExposureExposure not available Media Unknown

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