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Newspaper Rock Pictographs


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Date Member since: 2005-02-10
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Newspaper Rock, Canyonland National Park, Utah

2003 ...wildly wrong color :-)
Views782 views
Date posted2005-09-16

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🕐 09-16-05 18:36djon wrote:
This was one of my first scans of a color neg, done with an Epson flatbed scanner...this color's ridiculous, reality's more dull photographically (but as you say, it's a POWERFUL rock)... now I use a Nikon V...

I think this was maximum zoom, which would have been 105. That IQzoom is perfect for rugged situations (which this wasn't), such as rafting, despite being a bulky point-and shoot. Waterproof and perhaps dustproof, for one thing :-)
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