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Wayne Arviso, Navajo


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Mr. Arviso is one of the many Navajo heros of WWII in the South Pacific. I happen to be a friend of one of his 65 year old nephews, but I don't know their clan and the family relationship's not as important.

Their great-grandfather, Jesus, a Spanish boy, was herding goats on a hill in Mexico and was kidnapped by Apache, carried north to Thoreau New Mexico, traded for a black horse. That made him a free Navajo, naturally. A family's history is important. Wayne and Charles told me that story about 4 years and 50 miles apart, though Charles didn't mention the horse and was shocked when I initially guessed the Navajo had actually purchased Jesus as a slave. For religious reasons, the Dine' (Navajo) are revolted by the concept of slavery, which makes it hard for them to comprehend the situation of black Americans.
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Date posted2005-08-23

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