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2005 Gallup Intertribal..Jingle Dancer


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Date Member since: 2005-02-10
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Date posted2005-08-11

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🕐 08-19-05 08:07djon wrote:
Might be nice if these folks didn't wear entry numbers, but they are in joyous competition with each other, aren't doing it for white people with cameras.

Dancing and drumming/singing are tremendous fun. Natives that take part are doing something very important for themselves, their community, and their children. I'm envious.

To see the most spectacular outfits on the planet, and to have an incredibly moving experience, come to the Gathering of Nations in Albuquerque, New Mexico (though most states have significant Native communities, therefore have their own powwows).

Make reservations months in advance of our Albuquerque event because you won't get in otherwise...it's like a Superbowl or World Series. The 40,000 seat stadium is packed with beautiful, happy people from all parts of Native America. The floor often has hundreds of dancers in fantastic outfits. You can move around freely. The crowd is as wonderful as the floor, you don't even have to look at the dancers.
