What’s the best U.S.-made interchangeable lens rangefinder 35? It depends on your criteria.

If the conversation is drifting on to US made lenses for rangefinders it is worth mentioning those made/assembled/distributed by E Leitz NY. I think I dimly remember a Summar thus marked.

I understand they also made some accessories. Someone more knowledgeable than I (easy) will know more.
Yes, one is the silver SOOPD hood by E. Leitz New York which is fetching a hefty premium.

If the conversation is drifting on to US made lenses for rangefinders it is worth mentioning those made/assembled/distributed by E Leitz NY. I think I dimly remember a Summar thus marked.

I understand they also made some accessories. Someone more knowledgeable than I (easy) will know more.
I have a takeup spool that came from E. Leitz NY.
I need to use my Retina II more. I have two, one with the Ektar and a second with the Xenon. Took both on the same outing to Gunston Hall, need to scan the images. $25 each at an antique store some 30 years ago.
I need to use my Retina II more. I have two, one with the Ektar and a second with the Xenon. Took both on the same outing to Gunston Hall, need to scan the images. $25 each at an antique store some 30 years ago.
Hi Brian.
You once put together for me a lens for the Retina. You combined glass elements from two Retina cameras.
Hi Brian.
You once put together for me a lens for the Retina. You combined glass elements from two Retina cameras.
I picked up a lot of Kodak Retinas and parts- bought a box of parts from a closing repair shop 20 years ago, and had several people send 4 and 5 Retinas with request to make the best possible working camera, and keep the rest for payment. My favorite form of payment for repair work. One of the few German made cameras with an American made lens. Reminds me to put the Vivitar Seroes 1 600/8 Solid Cat on the Z5.
You can learn from bad designs as much, or more- than good ones. Maybe because the problems caused by bad designs are more memorable. Then look at how the function was implemented on a different camera, or even other devices, that did it right.

One American made interchangeable lens rangefinder that I picked up dirt cheap, exceeded expectation: The Kodak Signet 80. Styling reminds me of a '57 Chevy, but it still works. 1x viewfinder, and a quick-load film system that does work. A "Passable" Ektanar, too bad Kodak did not put an Ektar on it. The Ektar 47/2 on my Retina II is 1st rate.

My C44R- the advance lever fell off, and there must be a trick to getting the return spring back in place. that I did not figure out.

Now I want a Kardon.
Hi Brian! I might be able to help with your C44R advance lever; drop me a note at [email protected] and I’ll send you some notes on it.