W/NW: Whisky, Whiskey

Hasselblad 500c/m, Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2.8 CF, 8mm extension tube, Ilford HP5+.

2017.08.12 Roll #124-01396-Pano-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr

Dourbalistar, I just bought/acquired a bottle of pure Nikka Unobtainium... yes, a bottle of "From The Barrel". The local liquor store I've patronized for the last 40 something years held a bottle for me, swore me to secrecy, told me not to tell anyone that they sold a bottle too me... and, there was no price gouging!

So, keep this a secret between me and you! Okay?

All the best,

A friend's kitchen
Brilliant picture.
Dourbalistar, I just bought/acquired a bottle of pure Nikka Unobtainium... yes, a bottle of "From The Barrel". The local liquor store I've patronized for the last 40 something years held a bottle for me, swore me to secrecy, told me not to tell anyone that they sold a bottle too me... and, there was no price gouging!

So, keep this a secret between me and you! Okay?

All the best,
@Yokosuka_Mike, kanpai! I actually bought that bottle from Japan in 2016. It seemed readily available on shelves in Japan, but at that time wasn't available in the US. I believe there are some arcane liquor laws that prevent importing 500mL bottles of distilled spirits. They now import this to the US, but in a larger, less proportional 750ml bottle.

At any rate, Nikka Whisky From the Barrel also seems to have lost the ability to call itself "Japanese" whisky:
Kavalan Distillery, Yilan County.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.11.24 Roll #344-08406-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr

Dourbalistar, I bought a couple bottles of the Kavalan Classic Single Malt Whisky the last time I was in Taiwan (a few years ago). Excellent stuff! A superb world class whisky! I bought from Duty Free, if I ever go back to Taiwan I'd love to tour the distillery.

All the best,
The local heritage railway had a "whisky train" sampling English whiskies (they were not good, TBH.) Took the opportunity to play with a WINTU for the first time. Definitely not the easiest thing to use, but surprisingly more effective and usable than I thought it would be:

(Leica IIIf, Summar w/ WINTU, and Fomapan 100 in Rodinal; exposed at f/2 & 1/60)
Dourbalistar, I bought a couple bottles of the Kavalan Classic Single Malt Whisky the last time I was in Taiwan (a few years ago). Excellent stuff! A superb world class whisky! I bought from Duty Free, if I ever go back to Taiwan I'd love to tour the distillery.

All the best,
@Yokosuka_Mike, the distillery is located in Yilan County, a little over an hour outside of Taipei by car. You can reserve a free distillery tour 7 days before your visit on their website, and I believe there's also a self-guided tour. The entrance is just below this sign for Distillery #1.

Kavalan Distillery, Yilan County.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.11.24 Roll #344-08386-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr
The local heritage railway had a "whisky train" sampling English whiskies (they were not good, TBH.) Took the opportunity to play with a WINTU for the first time. Definitely not the easiest thing to use, but surprisingly more effective and usable than I thought it would be:

View attachment 4834786
(Leica IIIf, Summar w/ WINTU, and Fomapan 100 in Rodinal; exposed at f/2 & 1/60)
I remember adverts for a 90 degree ‘stealth’ mirror hood accessory to fit to your slr, back in my youth. I’m sure that an iPhone is now stealthier

Edited to add - you. Am still get them

Spy mirror lens

Still not stealthy
The different types of barrels that Kavalan uses: Vinho, Brandy, Port, Bourbon.

Kavalan Distillery, Yilan County.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.11.24 Roll #344-08387-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr

I barely drink whisky these days - not for any reason really, I still like malts - but a few years ago I took my father in law to visit a famous distillery on Islay and we started the 1030 tour. Within 2 minutes we bumped into the head distiller, who is a renowned stalwart of the industry and a genius, and he invited us into the bonding warehouse where we had a ‘tour’ of the stock. Needless to say, the rest of the day was quiet but a real treat and a privilege.

I barely drink whisky these days - not for any reason really, I still like malts - but a few years ago I took my father in law to visit a famous distillery on Islay and we started the 1030 tour. Within 2 minutes we bumped into the head distiller, who is a renowned stalwart of the industry and a genius, and he invited us into the bonding warehouse where we had a ‘tour’ of the stock. Needless to say, the rest of the day was quiet but a real treat and a privilege.
Thank you, @sojournerphoto! I drink a lot less these days, too, but that didn't stop me from visiting the distillery. 😅

Kavalan Distillery, Yilan County.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.11.24 Roll #344-08389-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr
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German-made Arnold Holstein still used to make Kavalan Gin. Kavalan Distillery, Yilan County.

Kavalan is mainly known for its whisky, but they also make gin using Taiwanese herbs, spices, and botanicals like kumquat, red guava, and dried star fruit.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.11.24 Roll #344-08393-positive.jpg
by dourbalistar, on Flickr
Detail of a copper pot still at Kavalan Distillery, Yilan County.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.11.24 Roll #344-08390-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr
What a wonderful thread and this is such a sweet mellow image, like a good whisky.

I read somewhere that whisky aids concentration. I believe that. I hardly drink any and have lots of it here. My great uncle, a publican, washed the coins of the beer before banking and swore that whisky was the devil. All things in moderation.
What a wonderful thread and this is such a sweet mellow image, like a good whisky.

I read somewhere that whisky aids concentration. I believe that. I hardly drink any and have lots of it here. My great uncle, a publican, washed the coins of the beer before banking and swore that whisky was the devil. All things in moderation.
Thank you for the kind words, @Richard G. All the fermentation and distillation equipment was behind glass panels, which probably softened and mellowed out the image a bit more.