W/NW: Still Life

Adox Ortho PL25 5x7 Norma MicX 360 Apo Ronar by Nokton48, on Flickr

5x7 Sinar Norma #2 360mm F9 Rodenstock Apo Ronar barrel at F11 Adox 5x7 Ortho PL25 Yellow filter Broncolor C200 1500WS Monolight popped eight times into Broncolor Octobox 150 with supplemental diffusion. 4x6 foot foamcore fill right just out of the frame. Legacy Mic-X straight replenished mixed in 2019. 5x7 Contact Print on Arista RC #2 Dektol 1:2 . I shot one frame at four pops, and one at eight pops. The denser neg looks better to me.
Canvas background is "Tim Kelly Gold Plaster" painted for me by Artist David Maheu.
A 5x7 contact print?

The detail and the texture in that print must be amazing.

I once saw an 8x10 contact print, and it looked almost as though you could feel all that detail and texture if you ran you finger over it!

- Murray
Ceramics across a lifetime.

I don't know where the elephant came from. I've always had it since I can remember as a little boy. It may have been my great grandmother's but that memory is not reliable.

The german-ish pseudo beer stein was made for me by my mother in my 20's.

The pitcher I bought last year at the sale my girlfriend's (from high-school and now again decades later) parents had as they divested excess to move into a retirement apartment. It was made by a (literally) world renown ceramic artisan here in our little town who trained in Japan. I got it stupid cheap ;)

Leica M (Typ 240) ISO 6400 50/1.5 Nokton 1/12