The joy of printing

Local time
3:19 AM
Jun 12, 2008
Been pretty tied up with work this last couple of weeks and not managed much creative activity. Always leads to a GAS risk… so tonight I printed some of the scans I’ve done this year - only small on 7x5 paper in the epson, but even simple pictures make lovely objects and inspire photography and not acquisition - apart from more paper.

These were from a couple of test rolls - the first two Kentmere 400 in caffenol with a 7artisans 35/1.4 Wen and the second pair HP5+ in excel/ordinal shot in an MDa with TTArtisan 28/5.6.





Happy printing - however you do it;)

As part of my one camera, one lens project I've committed to shooting at least a roll a week and making one print from each roll. I had an old box of Red River 11 x 14 UltraPro Satin, so I'm using that. I'd call these work prints. Lightroom print presets and Epson's ABW make it easy to keep up with. Now I'm looking for a nice storage box.

Sample Prints by John Wolf, on Flickr
Everyone’s prints look really nice here.

I have printed on Baryta paper and like the results. I need to do some more printing sessions soon.
