Show your photos from a vintage folder

I sort of forgot photography during the pandemic. We went to SE Asia last Christmas and I was quite prepared to take just my phone but my wife reminded me how much I like fiddling with film and all the scanning and photoshopping involved in the process. So I took my Zeiss Super Ikonta 532/16. This shot was taken at Beng Melea, a temple situated about an hour's drive from Angkor Wat (Cambodia). I was just astonished that a 1950 camera (using Kodak Gold 200) was capable of this much detail and subtlety, the play of light and shade, the eerie decay shown by the window. So I am back to photography. I haven't posted on this site for ages, which I see has had an overhaul, but I am back!

Beng Melea.jpg
Kodak No.2 Folding Cartridge Brownie Hawk-eye (takes 120 film)
Fomapan 200 D76 1+3 13m 19C
