Show us your Fuji 645 images, GS or GA (incl ZI)

Which one? Three choices... 60mm fixed lens, 45mm fixed lens, and zoom. The zoom is interesting and unusual for a medium format AF viewfinder camera. I've not had one but my impression is that it's a bit bulkier and heavier than the non-zooms, and the lens is slow esp at the long end and not a particularly big zoom range... 55-90mm IIRC.
Mine is the wide GA645Wi that Elrik illustrates above. Pretty happy with it.
There is also the previous GS model group to consider, starting with the original folder with 75mm. I have the non-folding GS645S with fixed 60mm f/4 that has a nice rangefinder. Very light plastic construction. I believe the Wide 45mm version is scale-focus only.
"Which one"? Why limit yourself to one? :)
The "i" indicates a later revision of the model with minor improvements: The "i" improvement for the GA645i and Wi added a front-mounted shutter release and better AF. GA are all later auto-focus cameras, while GS is the previous non-AF lineup; very different cameras.
The "i" indicates a later revision of the model with minor improvements: The "i" improvement for the GA645i and Wi added a front-mounted shutter release and better AF. GA are all later auto-focus cameras, while GS is the previous non-AF lineup; very different cameras.

Thanks for the clarification. Are the lenses identical or comparable?
I think the lenses are the same or comparable, except the 45mm... It's an f/4 on the GA series but f/5.6 on the earlier GS Wide. Then, the zoom wasn't available on the GS cameras, while the GS folder's 75mm f/3.4 had no GA counterpart. So, I guess it boils down to the two 60mm f/4 lenses being at least comparable!
This shop lady is happy to pose for the camera while stringing some beads. Hyatt Regency, Ka’anapali, Maui.

Fuji GA645Wi, 45mm f/4, Fuji 800Z@500
GS645 focus

GS645 focus

I owned a GS645pro 25+ yrs ago... one of the few cameras I've sold.
Last week I found another and just rushed a test roll through..
Found light leaks on the first and last frame... not sure if it the bellows.
Also it potentially back focuses, is this an easy fix..?
Anyway here's a mid-roll shot

http://[url=]Redt16s[/url], on Flickr

by Redt16s, on Flickr

Yes, it is relatively easy job for a repair shop to adjust the focus. The lens is incredibly sharp when focused properly.
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