Nokton 35mm f/1.4


Registered User
Local time
6:12 PM
Jul 25, 2007
Hi everyone

I shoot a lot at low light and therefore I'm looking for a good 1.4 35mm lens. The summilux is out of the question because of the price. The one that looks most appealing is the CV Nokton 35mm f/1.4 both because of the size and, not least, the price. Just wondering what people's experience with this lens is. I've read somewhere that it got a couple of bad rewievs, but have no idea why (or if it's even true).

The 35mm I normally use is a Summicron pre-asph. This is, as everyone probably knows, an awesome lens, and I just wonder how the Nokton compares with it. Anyone know about comparision shots or something?

It's a very nice lens. You can check flickr for samples of photos taken with it.
It has some barrel distortion. I would highly recommend it.

But the real question is, given the other lenses you are using, will the CV Nokton classic fit in?

It might just be an excellent place holder until you find a way to buy a summilux.
Sell the 28/35 Summicrons and get a 35mm Summilux APSH. For wide get the 21mm VC. This would give you the triumverate 21-35-50. Blazing fast kit except for the 21.
Hi Arnulf,
I have tried the CV Nokton (not 35 but 40) VS. Leica pre-asph 35 lux. Surely, the CV was reasonably better in handling aberrations at full aperture. To my taste though (that includes handling and feel), I sticked to the lux pre-asph for its particular imagery (bokeh, "nice" aberrations) and overall usability (decent performer at f/2, and awesome class from f/2.8 onwards, at which point it pulls away from the CV).
Also, you might want to give a try at the 35 f/1.2 asph, even faster. It's bigger, yes, but is a performer closer to modern designs, if you like them.
The Nokton 35mm f/1.4 is not a very good lens. It has a lot of barrel distortion and the out of focus rendering is not smooth. A better and much cheaper alternative is the Ultron 35mm f/1.7. The performance is excellent, you can use the 12585 classic Leitz shade on it, the finish is beautiful black paint and the out of focus rendering is wonderful. It is faster than a Summicron.

The Nokton 35/1.4 is an outstanding lens. Think of it as a Summilux pre-asph with some of its character, but with-out much of the issues that make the pre-asph Lux so hard to handle (flare). Sharper than the pre-asph Summilux at all apertures. Check flickr (e.g., the M-mount group), and see if you like the examples that you find there. Some barrel distortion, but many other 35mm lenses (like the 35/1.2 Nokton) have that, too.

The Ultron 35/1.7 is more similar to your summicrons. Cleaner, less distortion.


I've never used/owned a Summicron 35/2 pre-asph, but I do have a Nokton 35/1.4 (MC version), and am very happy with it! The only lens I would consider replacing the Nokton with is a Summilux 35/1.4 Asph, but even then I'm not so sure, as the Summilux is larger and heavier and I love the small size of the Nokton.

Optically, it has some barrel distortion that is fairly obvious when shooting straight lines that are parallel to the edges of the image.

But for normal scenes, that's not an issue ;)

The little Nokton comes into its own in low light. Both these shots below were taken handheld on Provia 400X @ 1/15 sec & f1/4 + 1/2. I was leaning against a wall for support.

It may not be to everyone's taste, but I quite like the bokeh of the little Nokton too.
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You can see my first roll with the Nokton 35/1.4 SC on my blog.

So far I like it very much. I can barely wait to scan some more rolls.




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You can see my first roll with the Nokton 35/1.4 SC on my blog.

So far I like it very much. I can barely wait to scan some more rolls.




Thats what I dont like about this lens - it's bokeh, which is pretty clear in these pics.- so choppy in the first two. Not smooth at all. I suppose its a matter of taste, but if i buy a fast lens, to me bokeh is very important as i will mostly use it wide open. And that flare is rather unpleasant too.
I hoped that this lens would be better, as a cheaper Ultron does a better job, IMO.
The lense is sharp, small and nice in any other ways except for the barrel distortion, which is often obvious when a straight line is near the edges. I really dont want that to my photos so I choose the 35/1.7 Ultron, even though it is not quite that sharp and is a bit bigger...

I also like how the Ultron renders everything and have had no problems with it whatsoever. It is also cheaper which IS important for me as a student. I would go for a Summicron even though it is slower, but it is probably 3x the price.
Antti: Thanks !

Arnulf, you can tell, it's a lens that polarizes opinions. And often, bad feedback is from non-users.

They have good resale value. Maybe you just want to try one and sell it if you don't like it ? And share some photos :)


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You can tell, it's a lens that polarizes opinions, Arnulf. And often, bad feedback is from non-users.

They have good resale value. Maybe you just want to try one and sell it if you don't like it ? And share some photos :)



Roland, I was wondering, do you have any new pics from this lens? Some wide open ones? Those you posted above I've seen before, and I like the colour ones, but they are not wide open shots.
I am one of those non-user of this lens, yet I base my opinion on the pics I see, - thats how I choose to buy or not to buy lenses anyway. And the reason I still dont have one - is because most pics I see - didnt do much for me. I did look at flickr/M-mount group too.
So, if there is a good pic or two that you have and could post that would show why you like this lens so much - please do.
From a recent RFF meet, on BW400CN:

Randy (vrgard):


Ashwin (Naruto) with his new Nikon (from Rover :) ):


Rest is undeveloped yet :) If you follow flickr, you usually see my newest stuff in the M-mount group. I do self-censor a lot, but not because of bokeh or barrel distortion :)

One of the reasons I like the 35/1.4 SC is that it's small (doesn't scare the subject) and I can get close.


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I believe Tom A. has said a couple times, that this lense rivals the non-ASPH Summilux and is much cheaper. I believe it is a good value for the money if you can live with the distortions etc... Summilux has some of those too plus the curved dof and such properties.

The Nokton should be one of the best lenses of this class (meaning fast 35mm) wide open, when the really expensive Leitz ASPH -lenses are not counted...

But I really believe people who think about buying this Nokton, should find our example photos of situations where the barrel distortion is seen. Then you know if it bothers you or not.

Personally I use prime lenses for the speed (max aperture), but I still found these distortions distracting. I had the lense for a little time because my friend made such an interesting trade offer to me, but I havent really missed it afterwards. I've missed the V3 Summicron a bit because of the handling, but I am VERY happy with the Ultron anyway.
The lens exhibits barrel distortion, light fall off wide open, and tendency towards interesting flare when used wide open. For all that, I'm completely enamored with it, despite having the technically superior Biogon 35 F2 as well. Barely shot the Biogon since getting the CV.

A few shots:


M6TTL, CV 35 1.4 SC, Neopan 400, D76 1:1


M6TTL, CV 35 1.4 SC, Neopan 100ss, Rodinal 1:100


M6TTL, CV 35 1.4 SC, Neopan 100ss, D76 1:1


M6TTL, CV 35 1.4 SC, Neopan 400 D76 1:1


Hexar RF, CV 35 1.4 SC, TriX, Xtol


Hexar RF, CV 35 1.4 SC, TriX, Xtol
I went offline for a couple of days there. Sorry about that..

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your opinions and images. Looks like a pretty decent lens to me. The falloff I don't mind, but the barrel distortion...., don't know. Guess I'm gonna have to try one. Again, the size is a big plus for me. I really enjoy how the M6 and the 35 cron fit in my pocket.

Very intrigued by the idea of rethinking the whole lens set. Maybe selling the 28, change it for a 28 ultron (anyone know more about that one, by the way?) and invest in a 35 lux?

So many questions, so many questions....