i've lost all faith in myself...

Maybe I'm lucky. I have never felt any kind of photography "funk" just I have never experienced boredom. I carry at least one camera everyday but do not worry if I don't see a picture worth capturing. Occasionally I submit to competitions; when my works of genius are rejected I remember that I have been snubbed by a higher class of people anyway.

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Hang in there. :)

Follow your heart and forget the rest. 99.9% of homosapiens who have walked this earth never took one picture. Our strength is adaption. All we can do is try to make the best of where we are at. :)
I lusted after a camera for three years now. I finally got it a month or two ago. I've made about 5 photos with it. I understand. Maybe I will just get a new bag. :)
it's not a gear thing this time around...i've changed my 'gear rules'...no longer selling one thing to buy another...buy what i have cash for or save till i have enough...i plan to keep everything i buy unless it breaks or becomes so cheap used that repair is not feasible.
i am very satisfied with my current kit...4 bodies and 4 lenses...eventually i will add another of each to my kit.
i even have a pretty cool film kit now...very heavy gear...
Maybe that is your answer...the film kit. Slow it down and reflect. Revisit old favorites in a different light. Maybe it would even help with the pain. Good luck to you sir.

We all get blue and disaffected, disillusioned or even disgusted with the things we love once in a while.

This too shall pass.

One day, you'll wake up and realize you want to take photos again. It happened to me.
I find that if I'm just thinking about photographing without doing it, I get uncomfortable and disillusioned with what I could photograph. Stupid intellectualising.
Once I get a camera I like the feel of in my hands (most of them, really, but film cameras more so), I am calm and purposeful. I let my instincts take over and if I see something I feel like capturing, I shoot. Otherwise I just like carrying a camera.
Go out with a camera in your hand. You will feel better :)
i run the risk of repeating myself, but..
why don't you go on a holiday somewhere far,far away?
by selling half of those 4 kits, if needed for financing the trip

it can really be an inspiration and will def'ly cheer you up (even if you take zero pics)
Keep a nice film camera that just feels nice to shot with.

I often go out shooting even if I know pictures will be rubbish. But since it's a film camera you won't be instantly disappointed and disheartened by the results. Toss the film in a box and have it (or don't) developed sometime later when you are feeling better.

If after a week or two you still haven't forgotten about the undeveloped roll and you are curious about the results... things can't be that bad. Right?
The truly pocketable camera can accompany you at all times,
and demands little when not "doing photography".

i have a panasonic p&s...one of those water proof, shock proof, snow proof cameras that fit in most any pocket...
now if i could only take a sharp pic with it!
health is my current source of negativity these days. it seems like everything hurts...anyone who has ever suffered with near constant pain (even low grade pain) knows how it sucks the life out of you...

When life energy goes down it feels like everything hurts. I know, many of us know. Give it a place, a room, a time - whatever it needs!
That is a part of life many people doesn´t want to have or talk about.
But it´s a part of life ;)

Thank you for this reflective thread, Joe. You have already made a step out of the blues with this. And with us.
Merry Christmas!
Joe, take it from another Joe: The secret to satisfaction in photography is not a new camera in hand, but a print in hand. You've got to print those finished photos. Digital, silver, even a book via on-demand publishing. Get those pictures printed.
