Hong Kong Hong Kong Meet ?


Local time
12:45 AM
Dec 18, 2006
Hey Folks,

I'm going to be in Hong Kong for Vacation from 13th October - 2nd November.
Since it's my first time there and I'm on my own it would be cool to meet some fellow rangefinder fans there.

So if anyone is interested in some street shooting and having a beer, let me now either via PM or mail.
Will be online on daily basis.

cheers & with best regards from Germany

Hello Philip,

I'm Dingo, it's always cool to have overseas members joining us for street work and beer, just let me know which day is good to you, for week days I'll be available after 5:00pm, he he.
Ah nice guys! Weekend meet sounds pretty good. :)

So what you think about Saturday 17th October for shooting and drinking ;) ???
FYI I'm staying in Kowloon.

Just discovered that you all already know each other which makes things easier. Dingo got my contact details already.
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I'll join you guys if I am back by the 17th but somehow I doubt, I think I am stuck in South Africa for another 2 to 3 weeks...

Anyway, you are in good hands with those guys, just make sure you start drinking the beers after the shooting and not before. I remember meetings where we did not take a single photo during the day...;)

Pan - Are you still without a camera? I'll lend you one if you want!
sounds good meven :)

By the way .. I need to buy some serious amount of film (Kodak Tri-x 400 & Plus-x 125).

Any recommendations for shops in Kowloon ? How much cost a stack (10films) round about ?
Hmm, I am not cool on the 17th. Sorry, folks.

Hey, thanks, meven. I am back in action with a Bessa And a IIIf. Hope you see you again soon.

Mr. Ho, it's always cool to have you. Thanks again for your help last time. :)
Hmm, I am not cool on the 17th. Sorry, folks.

Hey, thanks, meven. I am back in action with a Bessa And a IIIf. Hope you see you again soon.

Mr. Ho, it's always cool to have you. Thanks again for your help last time. :)

Maybe we can arrange a second meet!
OK, good news, I am free on Saturday till 8:00pm! He he, so the shooting can start after breakfast!!!

Boys, any concrete suggestion?
made it to HK. tired as hell. only task for today ... get some food and watch the 8pm light show.

if you wanna join ,drop me a text message (+4917620044688)