FSU Photography Contest 2010 Rules


Local time
7:39 PM
Dec 24, 2009
СНГ конкурс фотографии 2010 Правила!!!
(FSU Photography Contest 2010 Rules!!!)

Themes: Miltitary, Agriculture, Intudstrial

1. FSU Cameras and lenses only (nothing that was not in production prior to 1991).
2. Any format, any film
3. Themes: Military, Industrial, and Agriculture (includes Forestry and Fishing of course).
4. Vote once!
5. Contest start on International Workers' Day (May 1st) and will end on May 31.
6. Participants may submit one photograph per theme taken in the year 2010
7. Have fun!

Winner will be determined by whose photo has the most votes two weeks after May 31st!

Gallery coming soon!


If caught violating the rules, off to the gulag you will go!
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Hi Kyle,

Is there a gallery to upload photos to?

How many photos can we each submit?

How is the winner decided?

Большое спасибо
yo Great Leader

Only one entry per person?

Are you trying to hold back the creativity of the workers?

please reconsider .... please
yo Great Leader

Only one entry per person?

Are you trying to hold back the creativity of the workers?

please reconsider .... please

It's three themes so it's three photos. You don't want it to turn into a dumping ground!
He changed the rules while i wasn't watching

I photo per theme is cool with me .... i can hardly wait
Please clarify: Can we submit pictures we already have, or should we only submit photos taken during May 2010?
Please clarify: Can we submit pictures we already have, or should we only submit photos taken during May 2010?
My understanding is photos taken during May 2010. But I'm only a participant & not a rule maker.
Sounds like a fun contest,

Time to give my Kiev 2a + Jupiter 8 another whirl. I'll be in the Czech republic in the first week of May, as part of a re-enactment convoy of WW2 military vehicles (for the 65th anniversary of the liberation). Should be a good opportunity to shoot a military themed picture ;)
hey guys i have been on vacation from everything, at the beach being a beach bum. Went trough several rolls of film, any way lots of non contest related shooting going on. Unless we can fit in Baltic Sea as a theme.
hey guys i have been on vacation from everything, at the beach being a beach bum. Went trough several rolls of film, any way lots of non contest related shooting going on. Unless we can fit in Baltic Sea as a theme.

dear Comrade Kyle,
errm, "bum" sounds a bit indecent in my European ears; and a male "being a beach bum" that sounds (no sexism intended!) verrrrrry queer;-)
Got my Kiev II and Jupiter III out of the cupboard last night ... I'd forgotten what a nice camera that Kiev is and the Jupiter three has always amazed me!

I have no problem with 'industrial' and 'agriculture' ... military could be a little tricky though! :eek:

Roll on the first of may! :p
I have no problem with 'industrial' and 'agriculture' ... military could be a little tricky though!

Comrades, I cannot understand this *conjunction exegesis*, that every contestant must present 'industrial' AND 'agriculture' AND 'military'.

What I deduced from forecited rules (arg: not "must/shall", but "may" in #6), is that every partycipant is free to choose what she/he can deliver, so to say:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx
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