Darn the X-T1 is robust


Local time
12:31 PM
Jan 24, 2010
So a few months I successfully finished my final ski guide exam (Assoc. of Canadian Mountain Guides) in Kazakhstan. Arriving back in civilization, after getting out off the mountains, exhausted and with the mind on summer, I fall of a pickup-truck onto concrete, the XT1 hanging over my chest. Upon impact, the camera is the ONE thing between my chest and the concrete, and I get a pretty hard blow into my rips.
Back in Norway (2 airplanes, lots of luggage dragging, and an 18 train hours later), I am diagnosed with lung pneumothorax (collapsed lung).

The camera has continued to work flawlessly until today, along with the VM Ultron that was attached to it (the M adapter got loose though). I am pretty sure that no other camera I own or have owned would have survived this (maybe the Leica T).

A few shots from the trip attached.





:eek: So you didn't damage the camera but the camera damaged you? Ouch!

Great photos. The light is gorgeous!
Great shots of the snowy mountain scenery, and congratulations on the certification. Glad the camera is ok, but that sounds like a major pain in the chest! Best wishes for full recovery.
Peter, those images are amazing! Well done!

I guess you can chalk up the personal injury as all part of the suffering for your art thing.

All the best,