Crooked Mamiya 7ii rangefinder patch


Local time
5:55 AM
Jan 2, 2008
It seems like the image in my rangefinder patch on my 7ii is crooked. That is, the rangefinder focusing mechanism seems to work fine, and the square patch is correctly place, but the image inside the patch is at an angle, so the image always looks a little blurry since not the whole patch image can be aligned with the viewfinder image at once.

Has anyone else experienced this? If yes, what was the solution?

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.
I've had a similar problem with my Canonet. Although a different camera I would suspect the mechanism works the same way. My frame lines were as crooked as the rangefinder patch which turned out to be the metal viewfinder/rangefinder plate being loose.

Some will recommend you to send it to be serviced but top plates on older cameras are usually easy to remove. I'm not encouraging anyone to open up their expensive equipment but it could be a relatively easy fix. I glued mine back to where it came off and it's been perfectly fine since then. The only thing I would be cautious about when lifting off the top plate is the cable connected to the hotshoe.

Shine a light through the viewfinder and rangefinder to see if you can see anything crooked