Voigtlander 50mm f/2.5 S Mount


Local time
4:50 AM
Jan 30, 2008
I'm curious. Is there any difference between the S mount and the LTM mount with this lens aside from the mount? I have one of Amedeo's S>LTM adapters and can find the Voigtlander S mount lenses for less than their LTM version.
I have both, they are the same, athough my "S" version is even sharper than the "LTM" version. The colour of the coating is different. It is simply another batch.

The market for the "S" version is much smaller, hence the difference in price. Buy one if you can. This lens on a Nikon S2 is great, also because the shade is super handy. It is the best 50mm for the Nikon S series.

Nikon S2, S Skopar 50mm f/2.5, 400-2TMY, printed on Adox MCC 110.


I made the mistake of selling my Amedeo S>LTM adapter a while back...he doesn’t appear to make them anymore.
I have an Amedeo adapter — Contax RF to Leica M. My Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2.0 works perfectly on it. My recently acquired Skopar 50/2.5 in S mount does not. I don’t know whether this reflects a subtle difference between Nikon S mounts and Contax RF mounts, but I also noticed that the Skopar mounts resembles that of the Biogon 35/2.8 rather than the Opton Sonnar 50. My point is that the OT may want to confirm that a Skopar 50 in an S mount will work on the Amedeo S to LTM adapter.
i just bought a 50/2.5 last weekend because it was a bargain, mint and complete set for ¥18,000 :eek::eek::eek: how can i resist that!?

going to write a simple review on my blog one of these days.

so far, its sharp and renders very much like most modern lenses. its not perfect and it doesnt have "character" but it is still a really good lens.

distortion is kind of high and of the pincushion type with i find unusual since most 50s have distortion of the opposite type.

contrast and saturation is great even wide-open. sharpness is ample. resolving power seems ok. it is a really nice lens. :rolleyes: i shot with it in the last few days using my Nikon S2T (ti curtains that I modified)
distortion is kind of high and of the pincushion type

I did not make a test shot with the S Skopar 50mm f/2.5 for distortion, but this is with the LTM Skopar. I would not call this distortion "kind of high". Compared with the Nikkor 50mm f/2 for S-mount it is kind of low (see bottom line). When you place a ruler on the grey line on the bottom, you'll see that the distortion is next to nothing. Don't be fooled by the curved shape of the mask in the camera, the black outer line.


i shot a brick/tile wall on my way to work and i was surprised to see it :eek::eek::eek: not sure about the old sonnar nikkor but i dont remember it to be that noticeable. but then, i havent done the brick wall test with that lens on my reviews. maybe i should! thanks for reminding me.
i just checked my review and i did shoot a brick wall in it :eek::eek::eek:

and its the same wall :rolleyes:

i would say that the distortion looks similar but somehow the voigtlander felt more uncomfortable to look at. they both seem to have the pincushion type distortion thing going on.

man, i really need to go to sleep, i am forgetting what i wrote!
The 50/2.5 Skopar with Amedeo adapter will not work as the rear part of the lens will hit the RF cam. I bought a couple of these lenses cheaply and converted them to M-mount. I had to trim the rear part to ensure the RF cam is cleared.
Are you using this combo on M-mount camera without issues with RF coupling?

I have two copies of the lens that I converted to M-mount. The rear shroud definitely needs to be trimmed.



I am using the Nikon S-Sony E :eek::eek::eek:

i find that some lenses will not mate properly with the amedeos and if that happened i just pushed the cam from the inside to guide it into their slots.
What does it take to trim the shroud?

I think it would be easier with a lathe but I did not have one so it was a lot of filing and sanding. The shroud has a small screw to keep it in place. Remove the small screw then unscrew the shroud. Be careful as the shroud is what keeps the rear element in place.

The rest of the work is just filing/sanding until the correct thickness is achieved. A lot has be removed, so much so that the remainder will be very thin, almost only keeping enough material to keep the thread for screwing it back on.
I really do not understand why this conversion is done. The Voigtländer Color Skopar 50mm f/2.5 in LTM is readily available. It is one of the most beautiful lenses ever made, black paint on brass, and optically it is exactly the same as the S Skopar!
